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How painful is rhinoplasty?

How Painful is Rhinoplasty?

How Painful is Rhinoplasty?

Considering getting a new nose offers you a whole new feeling in terms of confidence beauty and a noticeable new look However anyone who claims about rhinoplasty or any other surgery is a piece of cake or showing it so easy is not fruitful as it looks Even though the treatment is routinely performed and the surgeon has an exceptional track record, unexpected events may occur. people always ask us if having a nose job is painful?

Having some apprehensions before having a rhinoplasty treatment is also completely acceptable. After all, you might not know what to expect if this is your first time having a nose job. One of the reasons Dr Suleyman tas take the time to meet down with patients for a pre-procedure consultation is to clearly explain what a nose job entails, set expectations, and answer any questions patients may have.

How painful is rhinoplasty?

Before getting into it we should understand Rhinoplasty terminology

There are different kind of techniques for nose job that can be performed in daily routine but the one that is so much famous when it comes to Closed Atraumatic rhinoplasty technique Dr tas performing this technique from many years and getting the best results although Dr Suleyman tas closed atraumatic technique is endorsed by ASPS & ISAPS. The only disadvantage of this technique is that it’s difficult to learn and perform whereas if we talk about open technique, it has a lot of disadvantages.

You also no need to worry for getting back into routine life as you can return into your daily life on the very next day. Patients “go under” while the surgeon works because anesthesia is given during the actual surgery. Therefore, there is no discomfort felt during the actual rhinoplasty. But what will happen later? When patients inquire about the pain of nose jobs, they aren’t only inquiring about what happens during surgery; they are also inquiring about how they will feel in the hours, days, and weeks that follow. It’s important to have realistic expectations regarding the recovery from rhinoplasty surgery and the actions you may take to reduce pain and suffering.

How long the pain will stay after the surgery?

During the first week you will feel better day by day Most people feel like they are back to themselves a week after surgery. There will be some swelling after surgery. Although most people stop noticing the swelling after a few months, the swelling can last for long time. The majority of people rate their pain on a scale of 0 to 10 one day after surgery.

What is the medication which allows a patient to avoid pain after rhinoplasty

Typically, medications are started six to eight hours after rhinoplasty. The majority of the medications that are prescribed following rhinoplasty include: Antibiotics, painkillers, nasal drops, prednisolone pills and ointments.

In the end, rhinoplasty should be thrilling. You should be enthusiastic to embrace a new appearance and a heightened sense of confidence as you approach it. Do not let your enthusiasm be dimmed by worries about the recovery. Contact us as soon as possible to set up an appointment with a skilled medical consultant of Dr. Suleyman Tas.

How painful is rhinoplasty?
Dr suleyman tas

Facelift Live Broadcast | Dr. Suleyman TAS

Facelift Live Broadcast

Hi guys, how are you? I hope that you have a great day. I have a great day because it’s my birthday. So, I hope that you have a great day like me. So today, we will talk about the facelift procedure a little bit. I received your questions, and they are friendly and frequently asked questions. I will try to answer all of them in one session.
As far as I see, the main issue for all of you is you love Facelift results; however, you get scared about the incision and the scar. So, I will try to explain the scar issue to you. And I will try to give you some confidence about that. First, we must do anesthesia. The surgery starts with the incisions as close as possible to follow your ear line. So that’s one of the best techniques to hide the scar. However, it is not good enough. And sometimes, it can be visible. At the end of the day, it’s a scar. So, the best incision technique to hide a scar is to perform it into the hairline. However, it doesn’t give you possible access to all kinds of tissues. Because from the hairline, you can do a midface lift and lift the midface with the endoscopic approach. Also, we can do a neck lift again within the hairline with an endoscopic approach, but how will we manage those tissues in the central part? And which is the main issue for those complaining about aging. So that’s why we perform incisions at the front of the ear.

So, let me show you one example. In that case, there is a bulky collection on the jaw area, and we agree on creating the jawline and solving the sagging problem. So, what I did, was I created the jawline very well. And that is the incision (at the ear line). It is going to heal very well. We don’t need to get afraid if we don’t have any healing issues. And how is it going to heal? You may see here the result after the healing phase. That is a long-term result, one year after. It’s barely visible. And it’s not a big issue. And what can we do in the worst scenarios? If we see a terrible scar, we can perform laser treatment in our clinic. So, the scar is not going to be an issue for us. Otherwise, we are not going to be happy with the result. And we are not going to find the successful result as well. So, I hope that will give you some confidence and those explanations are worth it.

Let me see your second question. It’s about the pain. Yeah. You know it’s surgery. And you know everybody finds the facelift painful and scary, but any facelift or rhinoplasty procedure, if they are done very well even, you are not going to swell a lot, and you are not going to have pain. And, if you have a superficial pain level, you can use heavy painkillers to stop your pain, and you are going to stay at the hospital for one day, in some circumstances, two days. So, you don’t need to worry about it. You are not going to be alone on that journey. Don’t worry. We are going to be with you.

So, the next question is about the risk. Is facelift surgery risky? The answer is yes, it is risky. Because in the surgery we are going to see all nerves of the face area. If accidentally you cut them, you may cause a terrible injury which we call paralysis of the facial muscles. And that is a disaster. So that’s why an experienced, high-level surgeon needs to do that surgery for you. Otherwise, that can be a scary complication. 

The other question is about the right age. What is the right age for the facelift? It’s up to the patient; a 55-year-old patient may not have any sagging problems. So, no actions would be taken. A 24-year-old patient may have a sagging problem and loose skin because of body weight change, pregnancy, or stress. That’s why in your twenties or your thirties, you may have very bad sagging skin. So you probably need to have facelift surgery. So, what I am trying to say; is it’s up to the patient situation. The age doesn’t matter. It’s up to your feelings. How do you feel yourself? How do you look, and how would you like to look? 

So, if you had a facelift very early, like your twenties or thirties, the other question is can I have another facelift surgery in my fifties or sixties? The answer is yes. We also redo many facelift surgeries because they have not been done well before. So, we revise them. We redo them. So, in those cases, we deal with the scar tissues and the fibrosis and disfiguration of the face, and we attain more successful results if you have had a facelift before. And if you are looking for another better facelift. You can have another facelift. But of course, it will be harder for the surgeon to dissect the tissues because of the fibrosis, but it’s not impossible. An experienced, high-level surgeon can deal with that situation and achieve an excellent facelift result for you.

And the last question is about the fat injection. Why do I combine fat injection with the facelift? Because during the facelift, we lift tissues, and just with lifting, you cannot fix the hollows, the depressions, or the contours; we just lift it. So, the fat injection gives me a good option to fix that area and as well as the lines. Because the lines are something that you know someone who irons your pants and that line always stays the same, whatever you do, you cannot erase the line again, so the fat injection makes your hand stronger to erase those lines. 

So, I hope, guys, you like the small talk. If you have more questions, please send them to me. And let me do another live broadcast. See you later

Best rhinoplasty surgeon in turkey

Splint and Tampon Use in Rhinoplasty

Splint and Tampon Use in Rhinoplasty

The shape of the nose is one of the organs that affect the facial expression of the person the most. Therefore, we can say that nose surgery (rhinoplasty) is probably the most preferred aesthetic operation worldwide.

A successfully performed rhinoplasty (nose surgery) operation can ensure that the nose is shaped in proportion to the other organs on the face and that breathing problems are ceased upon complaint. In addition, there is a period after rhinoplasty, during which you need to be very careful.

Because the bones and cartilage are moved during the surgery, special care is required to keep these elements stable after rhinoplasty. This care can be achieved with the use of splints and tampons.

What are splints and tampons?

What are Splints and Tampons?

After nose surgeries, there are two types of elements, splints and tampons, which are frequently reused. So, what are splints and tampons and why are they so important? Let’s find out together.

Nasal Splint

Nasal Splints are devices used to stabilize the nose after nasal surgeries and are usually made of plastic or silicone. The use of Splints varies according to the nose operation a person undergoes. There are two types of Splints: External and Internal Splints.

Types of Nasal Splints

What is an External Splint?

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common surgeries that require the use of External Splints. After the nose surgery, a flexible exterior nasal splint is placed over the nasal bandage. If the splint is required to grip the nose more firmly, it is also possible to place a bandage over the nasal splint.

The process after the rhinoplasty surgery is as important as the surgery itself. The form given to the nose should be preserved after surgery and swelling of the tissues should be prevented.

Splint and tampon use in rhinoplasty

The form given to the nose should be maintained after surgery and swelling of the tissues should be prevented. For this reason, the quality of the Splints used after nose surgeries is quite important. It can be a bad scenario for both the surgeon and the patient if the nose, which gains its ideal form quite laboriously, is distorted due to the effect of oedema during the healing period, and if the grafts or nasal bones slip out of place. Patented by the Turkish Patent Office, TAS Nasal Splint offers personalized use thanks to its adjustable medical elastic bandage structure. You can access the details about our patented product, which is manufactured through innovative approaches and whose effectiveness is proven in clinical studies, on the page titled TAS Patented Nasal Splint.


What is an Internal Splint?

After a nose surgery that requires the use of an internal splint, an internal splint will be placed in both nostrils. And, the splint will be fixed to the nostril with the help of sutures.

At the end of the healing process, the splint can be removed together with the sutures.

What Is A Nasal Splint Used For?

The use of each type of splint, whose main purpose is to keep the bones and cartilages in the nose stable, is different from each other.

The Internal Nasal Splint is applied to the nostrils and fixed with the help of sutures. The External Nasal Splint is worn on the outside of the nose and fixed to the nose by means of medical tapes.

Splints, also known as Nasal Splints, are used to stabilize the newly operated nasal tissue and to protect the nasal structure during the healing process.

After Which Type Of Surgeries Are Nasal Splints Used?

Nasal Splints can be used after various nasal operations. The following operations can be presented as examples of these nose surgeries:

  • Septoplasty
  • Sinus Surgery
  • Nasal Fracture Surgery

When Should A Nasal Splint Be Removed?

A nasal splint is removed after approximately 1 week to 10 days, depending on the nature of the operation.

Splint and tampon use in rhinoplasty

Nasal Tampon

The procedure of applying sterile cotton or gauze patch to both nostrils after nose surgeries (rhinoplasty) is called nasal tamponade. The application of a nasal tampon is applied in order to absorb blood or fluid that may come out of the nose.

Types of Nasal Tampons

Nasal tampons to be applied after nose surgeries may vary according to the needs. Nasal tampons can be preferred according to the material and the needs. The types of nasal tampons are as follows:

Sponge Nasal Tampons

The Sponge Nose Tampons have some advantages. Sponge Nasal Tampons do not dissolve, swell quickly, do not adhere to tissues and provide absorption of leaks due to bleeding. This type of nasal tampon which is obtained from a special type of sponge can be kept inside the nose for 2-3 days.

Silicone Nasal Tampons

Silicone Nasal Tampon is one of the most preferred nasal tampons. This type of nasal tampon, also known as a perforated nasal tampon, made of silicone material, helps the patient breathe and keeps the movements of anatomical structures under control. Silicone nasal tampons are usually kept in the nose for 3-5 days.

Corrugated Nasal Tampons

A Corrugated Nasal Tampon is a type of tampon obtained by combining silicone and intranasal tampons.

Sponge nasal tampons

The Importance of Using Tampons After Rhinoplasty

The use of nasal tampons makes the post-rhinoplasty period quite easy. We can summarize the importance of nasal tampons in terms of rhinoplasty as follows:

  • The use of tampons after rhinoplasty accelerates the healing process and eliminates the risk of adhesions.
  • Nasal tampons help to stop bleeding and leakage of fluids that may occur after surgery.
  • They are recommended because they do not pose any risks.

When Are Nasal Tampons Required?

The use of tampons after rhinoplasty is at the discretion of the operating surgeon. Nasal tampons are usually used when bleeding does not stop and fluid continues to come out.

When Should a Nasal Tampon Be Removed?

The time to remove the nasal tampon after a nose surgery varies according to the patient and the nature of the operation. In some nasal operations, the nasal tampon stays inside the nose for 12 to 24 hours; in some cases, it can be removed just after 4 hours.

Is it Painful When Splints and Tampons Are Being Removed?

The biggest source of the fear of rhinoplasty is the fear of pain in the after-surgery period. The gauze patch used after rhinoplasty can often cause a feeling of pain due to its adhesion to the wounds. However, the silicone tampons used nowadays do not adhere to the nasal tissue and can be easily removed painlessly after the completion of the treatment. In addition, because of the hole in the middle, silicone nasal tampons, it is easier to breathe after surgeries compared to other tampons.

Is It Possible to Breathe When a Nasal Tampon is Used?

Depending on the type of nasal tampons used after nose surgery, your breathing quality may vary during the course of the process. While it was very difficult to breathe with the use of old-fashioned bandages, you can breathe comfortably thanks to silicone nasal tampons.

Matters to Consider After a Nasal Tampon is Removed?

After the tampons are removed, the inside of the nose should be cleaned twice a day by using cotton buds and water. You should be careful not to insert the cotton buds too deep into your nostril.

Frequently Asked Questions About Splint and Tampon Use

Does it hurt to sneeze when a tampon is placed inside your nose?

Sneezing is a natural phenomenon and does not affect your nose or tampon after surgery. In addition, you should avoid any impact on your nose after nose surgery.

Can a nasal tampon get blocked?

Intense leakage after rhinoplasty and neglecting the use of intranasal sprays can cause your nasal tampon to get blocked. In such cases, you should consult your doctor.

Does the use of tampons affect sleep order?

In the postsurgical period, the breathing problem you might experience due to the tampon may affect your sleep order. Moreover, thanks to the hole in the middle of the new generation silicone tampons, breathing is easier than with conventional tampons. And, your postsurgical sleeping problems are minimized.

Are tampons used during rhinoplasty uncomfortable?

The presence of intranasal tampons causes a feeling of fullness in the nose, but they do not cause pain.  Intranasal tampons do not cause any discomfort on their own.

Should the nasal massage be applied after the splint is removed?

You may be told to lightly massage your nose after nose surgery. After the splints and tampons placed in the nasal area are removed after the operation, nasal massage can be started.

Are there tampons that can dissolve?

Some tampons can dissolve. The dissolving tampons, which can be used in nasal surgeries that require mild intervention, can be used due to the absence of the need for tampon removal.

Can a nasal tampon be cleaned?

Your doctor may prescribe sprays or creams that will prevent the nasal tampons from being blocked after nasal surgeries. They can be cleaned in this way.

What should I do if the nasal splint comes out by itself?

After nose surgeries, the Nasal Splint may rarely fall off the nose. This is because the skin of the nose is oily and the swelling goes down. If this happens, you should not worry and should inform your doctor.

Smoking and alcohol consumption after rhinoplasty

Smoking and Alcohol Consumption After Rhinoplasty

Among the issues that people who want to have rhinoplasty, often wonder about are smoking and alcohol consumption after rhinoplasty. Also as per the American society of plastic surgeons, smoking is harmful if you’re planning Rhinoplasty and you are also not falling on the list of best candidates.

Why You Shouldn’t Smoke and Drink Alcohol After Rhinoplasty?

After every surgery, there are issues that patients should pay attention to after rhinoplasty. One of them is not to smoke or drink alcohol after rhinoplasty surgery. One of them is not to smoke or drink alcohol after rhinoplasty. This is for making the recovery process the healthiest and the fastest way for the person who had rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty is performed in two ways. In rhinoplasty which is performed by open technique, an incision is made on the outside of the nose. In rhinoplasty which is performed with the closed technique, to not leave any slightest scar on the nose, incisions are not performed from outside the nose, they are performed through the nose. In other words, there is an incision procedure for rhinoplasty in any case. Smoking and alcohol consumption delay the healing process of swelling, bruises, and edema in rhinoplasty which was performed with incisions. Consequently, the time of getting the final shape of the nose will be extended.

The Harms of Smoking After Nose Surgery

As is known, a tampon is placed inside the nose after rhinoplasty. Smoking after rhinoplasty puts pressure on the nose through the smoke at this point. This can cause health problems such as cracking and tearing of capillaries. Also, any other similar problems like these; are among the possibilities for smokers after rhinoplasty. Consequently, you should not be exposed to cigarette smoke either actively or passively after rhinoplasty. When it comes to alcohol consumption, there is also a similar prohibition for it after rhinoplasty. Some of the main reasons for this are; Alcohol consumption causes vasodilation, water retention in the body, and dryness of the skin. This both makes the immune system weak and delays the recovery of edema.

How Long You Should Avoid Smoking and Alcohol Consumption After Rhinoplasty Surgery?

In the previous part of our article, we explained in detail the reasons why smoking and alcohol should not be consumed after rhinoplasty. Now; We can answer the question, “How long smoking and alcohol consumption should be avoided after rhinoplasty?” After rhinoplasty, the patient should not smoke at all. Similarly; During this period, the patient should not be exposed to passive smoking too in any way. The patient should completely remove smoking from his life. ”How many days after rhinoplasty can alcohol be consumed?” When it comes to the answer to the question, the time is a little more limited at this point. You should not consume alcohol for 2 weeks after the surgery. After that, you can start consuming alcohol slowly without going overboard. With all these, the times we give are the general average. Your aesthetic doctor will inform you about the final decision about this. We have come to the end of our blog post about smoking and alcohol use after rhinoplasty. We hope our article was useful for you. We would like to remind you that you can contact TAS Aesthetic Surgery Center at +90 532 056 3693 if you have any questions about smoking and alcohol consumption after rhinoplasty or rhinoplasty in general; We wish you a healthy day.

First closed atraumatic rhinoplasty course

Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course | 2019

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS | Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course
16-17 November 2019
Istanbul, Turkey


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS invites you to the Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course in Istanbul, TURKEY, from 16-17 November 2019.

The program has been designed with best-in-class lectures from Assoc.Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS. Dr. TAS’s innovative and latest techniques of Closed Rhinoplasty will be given during a 2-day scientific and surgical program. Participants will find theory-to-practice opportunities about Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty.
Additionally, in the program Live Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty will be performed by Assoc.Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS. The program touches on all surgeons dealing with patients seeking rhinoplasty.

Looking forward to meeting you in Istanbul, TURKEY in November 2019!


Closed atraumatic rhinoplasty course | 2019
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS

 Scientific Program

16 November 2019 (SATURDAY)

07:00 Opening Ceremony
07:10-07:20 Closed & Atraumatic Rhinoplasty
07:20-07:30 Why I always prefer Closed Technique in Rhinoplasty
07:30-07:40 Questions & Answers Section
07:40-07:50 Surgical Anatomy of the Nose
07:50-08:00 Analysis for Closed Rhinoplasty
08:00-08:10 Room Concept
08:10-08:20 Questions & Answers Section
08:20-08:30 Patient evaluation for Closed Rhinoplasty
08:30-08:40 Photograph and Video Studio for Rhinoplasty
08:40-08:50 Planning the Closed Rhinoplasty
08:50-09:00 Questions & Answers Section
09:10-09:20 Local injection in Closed Rhinoplasty
09:20-09:30 Incisions for Closed Rhinoplasty
09:30-09:40 Dissection in Closed Rhinoplasty
09:40-09:50 Questions & Answers Section
09:50-10:00 Coffee Break
10:00-10:10 Dorsum surgery in Closed Rhinoplasty
10:10-10:20 Bone dust technique in Closed Rhinoplasty
10:20-10:30 Osteotomies
10:30-10:40 Questions & Answers Section
10:40-10:50 Push Down – Let Down – Fix Down Technique
10:50-11:00 Indications and Contraindications of Down Techniques
11:00-11:10 Solving the Problems of Down Techniques
11:10-11:20 Questions & Answers Section
11:20-11:30 Tip and Tricks for Fix Down Technique
11:30-11:40 Elimination of the Residual Hump in Down Techniques
11:40-11:50 Elimination of the Residual Deviation in Down Techniques
11:50-12:00 Questions & Answers Section
12:00-12:10 Dorsal Roof Technique
12:10-12:20 Maxilloplasty – Osteoplasty
12:20-12:30 What is the Radix Deviation and its treatment
12:30-12:40 Questions & Answers Section
12:40-12:50 What is the Crossed Nose Deformity and its treatment
12:50-13:00 What is the Crooked-Deviated Nose and its treatment
13:00-13:10 Questions & Answers Section
13:10-14:00 Lunch Break
14:00-18:00 Live Closed & Atraumatic Rhinoplasty

17 November 2019 (SUNDAY)

08:00-08:10 Septum and Chonca surgery in Closed Rhinoplasty
08:10-08:20 Ethmoid Grafting for severe septal deviations in Closed Rhinoplasty
08:20-08:30 Using Endoscopy in Closed Rhinoplasty
08:30-08:40 Questions & Answers Section
08:40-08:50 Tip surgery in Closed Rhinoplasty
08:50-09:00 Superior Based Transposition Flap Technique
09:10-09:20 Anatomic Columellar Strut Grafting
09:20-09:30 Questions & Answers Section
09:30-09:40 Deep SMAS Suture Technique in Closed Rhinoplasty
09:40-09:50 Lateral Crural Flap Technique in Rhinoplasty
09:50-10:00 Management of the Soft tissue Envelop in Closed Rhinoplasty
10:00-10:10 SMASectomy
10:10-10:20 Questions & Answers Section
10:20-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-10:40 Alar Base surgery in Closed Rhinoplasty
10:40-10:50 Achieving the Symmetry in Vertical, Horizontal, and Sagittal Planes in Closed Rhinoplasty
10:50-11:00 Dissecting of the Levator Alaque Nasi Muscle
11:00-11:10 Questions & Answers Section
11:10-11:20 Dissecting of the Pyriform Ligament
11:20-11:30 Treatment of the Maxillary Hypoplasia
11:30-11:40 Dissecting of the Depressor Septi Nasi Muscle
11:40-11:50 Questions & Answers Section
11:50-12:00 Double Layer Grafting Technique
12:00-12:10 Utilizing of the Electrocautery in Rhinoplasty
12:10-12:20 Questions & Answers Section
12:20-13:20 Lunch Break
13:20-13:30 Revision surgery with Closed Rhinoplasty
13:30-13:40 Treatment of the Challenging Cases with Closed Rhinoplasty
13:40-13:50 Understanding and Treatment of the Saddle Nose Deformity
13:50-14:00 Questions & Answers Section
14:00-14:10 Using Rib Cartilage in Revision Surgery with Closed Rhinoplasty
14:10-14:20 Diced Cartilage Flap Technique
14:20-14:30 Regaining tip mobility in Revision Rhinoplasty
14:30-14:40 Treatment of the Upward Turned Noses with Closed Rhinoplasty
14:40-14:50 Questions & Answers Section
14:50-15:00 Surgical Instruments In Closed Rhinoplasty
15:10-15:20 Pearls and Pitfalls in Medical Rhinoplasty
15:20-15:30 Postop care
15:30-15:40 Questions & Answers Section
15:40-15:50 Coffee Break
15:50-16:00 Male Rhinoplasty
16:00-16:10 Female Rhinoplasty
16:10-16:20 Thick Skin Rhinoplasty
16:20-16:30 Questions & Answers Section
16:30-16:40 Thin Skin Rhinoplasty
16:40-16:50 Asian Rhinoplasty
16:50-17:00 Ethnic Rhinoplasty
17:00-17:10 Middle Eastern Rhinoplasty
17:10-17:20 Questions & Answers Section
17:20-18:00 Closing Ceremony

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General Information

The course Language will be English.

Timing & Venue

Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course, will be organized on November 16&17, 2019 in Acıbadem Maslak Hospital Congress Room. Istanbul, TURKEY.

Social Program (Gala Night)

Below you may find details of the “Gala Night” for the Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course on November 16&17, 2019 in Istanbul, TURKEY.

Venue: Hilton Maslak Hotel, Roof Top
Date: 16 November 2019 Saturday
Time: 20:00 – 23:00
Menu: Appetizers, Snacks, Chips, Unlimited Alcohol
Participation Fee: 100 Euro

Contact Us

Phone/WhatsApp: +90 543 456 36 93
Deck Phone: +90 212 215 57 27

Rhinoplasty course 2020

Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course 2 | 2020

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS | Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course 2
28-29 November 2020


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS invites you to the Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course 2 on 28-29th November 2020 in Istanbul, TURKEY.  The course will be an online scientific organization for your safety due to Covid 19 pandemic.

The course has been designed with best-in-class lectures and the latest techniques of Closed Rhinoplasty from 18 World renowned masters in a 2-day program. Participants can ask their questions during the lectures.

Additionally, Live Surgery will be performed by Dr. TAS in the program. All surgeons will benefit from this fantastic experience regardless of their level.

The formal language of the course will be English, and simultaneous translation will be available for Turkish and Russian language!

The scientific program has been endorsed by all prestigious aesthetic surgery societies;
1- American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)
2- International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)
3- The Rhinoplasty Society (American)
4- Rhinoplasty Society of Europe (RSE)

Don’t miss this global learning opportunity!

Looking forward to welcoming you to this online meeting on 28-29th November 2020!

Closed atraumatic rhinoplasty course 2 | 2020
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS
The Chairman



Scientific Program

28 November 2020 (SATURDAY)

11:00-11:10 Opening Ceremony


11:10-13:10 Assoc.Prof.Dr.Suleyman Tas Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty
13:10-13:20                                                 Q & A
13:20-16:10 Assoc.Prof.Dr.Suleyman Tas Live Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Surgery
16:10-16:20                                                 Q & A



16:20-16:30 Prof.Dr.Pietro Palma Changing trends of tip aesthetics. Time for changing surgeon’s paradigms?
16:30-16:40 Prof.Dr.Pietro Palma Making beautiful profiles. 4 points to consider.
16:40-16:50 Prof.Dr.Pietro Palma Customized diagnosis and various solutions for shaping the naso-Philtral junction.
16:50-17:00 Prof.Dr.Pietro Palma Revision rhinoplasty. If you think that the endonasal approach is unfit for revision rhinoplasty, you should listen to this presentation.
17:00-17:10 Prof.Dr.Pietro Palma How to successfully brand your rhinoplasty practice?
17:10-17:15                                                 Q & A



17:15-18:15 Prof.Dr.Mark B. Constantian Lessons Learned from a Career in Rhinoplasty.
18:15-18:20                                                 Q & A

29 November 2020 (SUNDAY)


11:00-11:30 Prof.Dr. Onur Erol Before and after Turkish Delight
(will be 17:40-18:10
due to time zone)
Dr. Geoffrey W. Tobias Advanced Cartilage Grafting in Endonasal Tipplasty
12:00-12:30 Q&A


12:40-13:00 Prof.Dr.Pietro Palma Finesse rhinoplasty: The next level of results requires the next level of thinking.
13:00-13:20 Prof.Dr.Mehmet Bayramicli Preservation Rhinoplasty
13:20-13:40 Prof.Dr.Erol Benlier – Dr. Daghan Dagdelen Rhinoplasty: Personal Approach
13:40-14:00 Prof.Dr.Reha Yavuzer The Impact of Alar Base Procedures
14:00-14:10                                                 Q & A


14:10-14:30 Dr.Yakup Avsar Visualization Capacity in Closed Approach Septorhinoplasty
14:30-14:50 Prof.Dr.Atilla Arinci Legal Responsibilities and Consent Forms in Rhinoplasty
14:50-15:10 Prof.Dr.Daniel àWengen Stabilization of Soft Tissue Structures of the Nose with Titanium Implants
15:10-15:30 Dr.Naci Celik A holistic approach to face in Rhinoplasty Patients
15:30-15:40                                                 Q & A



15:40-16:00 Prof.Dr.Mehmet Veli Karaaltin The impact of 3D Bio-printer Technology and In-vivo Tissue Engineering in Rhinoplasty
16:00-16:20 Dr.Emre Ilhan Why do I prefer the Open Technique?
16:20-16:40 Assoc.Prof.Dr.Haldun Kamburoglu Management of Deviated Nose
16:40-17:00 Assoc.Prof.Dr.Erdem Guven Medical Rhinoplasty
17:00-17:20 Prof.Dr.Kirill Pshenisnov The Role of Medial SMAS and Pitanguy Ligament in Atraumatic Rhinoplasty
17:20-17:40 Dr.Alexander Kuzanov How to Avoid Secondary Rhinoplasty: Principles of Structural Rhinoplasty
17:40-18:10 Dr.Geoffrey W. Tobias Advanced Cartilage Grafting in Endonasal Tipplasty
18:10-18:30                                                 Q & A
18:30-18:40 Closing Ceremony

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General Information

The formal language of the course will be English, and simultaneous translation will be available for Turkish and Russian language!

Timing & Venue

Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course II will be organized on November 28&29, 2020 in Istanbul, TURKEY. The meeting will be online.



•      50% of payment will be refunded if cancellation is made before September 01, 2020

•      No refund will be made for cancellations made on or after September 01, 2020

•      All cancellation refunds will only be made after the congress

Contact Us

Phone/WhatsApp: +90 543 456 36 93
Deck Phone: +90 212 215 57 27



Rhinoplasty course 2021

Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course 3 | 2021

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS | Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course 3
20-21 November 2021
Istanbul, Turkey


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS invites you to the Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course 3 on 20-21th November 2021 in Istanbul, TURKEY.

The annual course has been designed with best-in-class lectures and the latest techniques of Closed Rhinoplasty in a 2-day program. Participants can ask their questions during the lectures.

Additionally, 5 Live Surgery will be performed and so many master classes including tips and tricks by World Renowned Faculties in the program. All surgeons will benefit from this fantastic experience regardless of their level.

The formal language of the course will be English!

Don’t miss this global learning opportunity!

Looking forward to welcoming you to this online meeting on 20-21th November 2021!

Best plastic surgeon turkey dr suleyman tas

Assoc.Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS
The Chairman



Scientific Program

20 November 2021 (SATURDAY)

07:00-08:00 Opening Speech
08:00-09:00 Dr. Suleyman Tas My Tips and Tricks
09:00-11:00 Dr. Suleyman Tas Live Surgery
11:00-12:00 Dr. Ramtin Kassir My Tips and Tricks
12:00-14:00 Dr. Ramtin Kassir Live Surgery
14:00-16:00 Dr. Onur Erol Live Surgery

21 November 2021 (SUNDAY)

08:30-09:30 Dr. Kirill Pshenisnov My Tips and Tricks
09:30-11:30 Dr. Kirill Pshenisnov Live Surgery
11:30-12:30 Dr. Yakup Avşar My Tips and Tricks
12:30-14:30 Dr. Yakup Avşar Live Surgery
14:30-15:00 Dr. Mehmet Veli Karaaltın 3D Biogenic Rhinoplasty
15:00-15:30 Dr. Can Ercan How my practice changed after Closed Atraumatic Technique
15:30-16:00 Dr. Erdem Guven Medical Rhinoplasty
16:00-16:20 Dr. Atilla Arinci Legal Responsibilities and Consent Forms in Rhinoplasty
16:20-17:00 Closing Ceremony





Testimonials of Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course 2021

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General Information

The formal language of the course will be English! The chairman of the course is Dr. Suleyman TAS. The moderator of the course is Dr. Erdem Guven.

Timing & Venue

Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course 3 will be organized on 20&21 November 2021 in Istanbul, TURKEY. The course will be held at Acibadem Maslak Hospital. The meeting will be both offline and online available.


•      50% of payment will be refunded if cancellation is made before September 01, 2021

•      No refund will be made for cancellations made on or after September 01, 2020

•      All cancellation refunds will only be made after the congress

Contact Us

Phone/WhatsApp: +90 543 456 36 93
Deck Phone: +90 212 215 57 27

Address: TAS Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Tesvikiye Mah. Hakki Yeten Cad. No: 11 Terrace Fulya Center 1 Apt. No: 97 Sisli / Istanbul / TURKEY


Massage after rhinoplasty

Massage After Rhinoplasty

As TAS Aesthetic Surgery Center, we discuss the topic of massage after rhinoplasty in the blog post we prepared this week. Nose massage, which is one of the care recommendations that people who have had rhinoplasty should do after the surgery, is of great importance. After removing the cast on the nose and the tampons in the nose, a massage should be performed in accordance with the recommendation of your doctor.

How Massage Should Be Performed After Rhinoplasty?

The nose skin can be gently cleaned with a mild soap or skin care lotions with vaseline. Care must be taken during this cleaning. Massage should be done on the nose for 20 minutes a day regularly and effectively for 2 months. The importance of the massage is that it activates the facial lymphatics through circulation. In this way, the lymphatic flow in the nose is accelerated and the swelling – edema formation on the nose is minimized. These swellings – edemas which are minimized positively affect the healing process. However, the patient should not apply any massage he sees on the internet. Since the procedure for each patient is different, massage can also be personalized. It should be done with the advice of your doctor and the doctor’s recommendations should be taken into account. There are many care suggestions apart from the massage that should be done after the rhinoplasty. We can list these maintenance recommendations item by item as follows;

Massage after rhinoplastyCare Recommendations After Rhinoplasty

  • The patient who had rhinoplasty surgery should lie at home with his head elevated for 1 week after discharge, as it will reduce the swellings.
  • Lying on your side and lying face down is prohibited.
  • Blowing your nose, straining, coughing, bending over – getting up, lifting a heavy load – carrying should not be done as they will increase the risk of bleeding.
  • Foods that require effort to chew, also the ones which require long and hard chewing should be avoided.
  • Salt restriction should be made as it will shorten the dissipation process of swellings from the body.
  • Protein-rich foods should be consumed.
  • You should rest more than usual and activities that require you to exert effort, such as sexual intercourse, should be avoided for 2 weeks.
  • Excessive and long speeches and excessive facial movements such as laughing should be avoided for 2 weeks.
  • Clothes that are buttoned from the front or back should be worn for 2 weeks. Avoid tight-fitting T-shirts and stand-up collar clothes that are worn over the head.
  • Sports such as yoga, pilates, and fitness should be avoided for 8-10 weeks.
  • It is forbidden to use prescription glasses or sunglasses that fit the nose for at least 8 weeks.
  • Contact lenses can be used 2-3 days after the operation.
  • Make-up can be worn after the cast and tampons are removed.
  • We have come to the end of the blog post we created for your questions about massage after rhinoplasty surgery.
  • If there is anything you want to consult us about it, you can contact us at +90 532 056 3693.
How should a natural nose be?

How Should a Natural Nose Be?

How Should a Natural Nose Be?

Every person has a different nose structure. Some people are not satisfied with the very diverse nose structure. The nose is the first organ of the upper respiratory system. Apart from its first function which allows us to breathe properly the nose is located in the middle of our facial structure. Nose surgery is required for the treatment of problems in the nose that cause breathing problems and affect the general quality of life of the person. One of the issues that people who want to have nose surgery most afraid of is whether their nose will have a natural appearance after nose surgery. If you are reading this article, you must be asking yourself this question “I Want a Natural Nose. Is It Apparent That I Have Aesthetics?” TAŞ Aesthetic Surgery Center prepared a blog post for those who want to have rhinoplasty and ask the question “How is a natural rhinoplasty done?”. In our blog post today we will share with you the answers to your questions such as How should the ideal nose structure be? How to achieve a natural nose structure with rhinoplasty?.

What is the Ideal Nose?

The ideal nose is a concept that is suitable for each individual’s face type and varies from individual to individual, and cannot be generalized. In order to achieve the ideal nose, criteria such as symmetry, proportion, harmony, naturalness and function must be met. Thus, the ideal, that is, natural nose surgery conditions for the person are achieved.

What Should Be the Natural Nose Size and Shape?

It should be taken care of to ensure that the nose structure is proportional to the other features of the face. The secret of a good nose is the structure of the nose, which is not known to have been operated on aesthetically, but is compatible with the facial features and dimensions. For this, the nose structure that makes up the nose, such as the tip of the nose, the bridge of the nose, the wings of the nose and the nostrils, must be proportional and in harmony with each other. In the ideal nose size, points such as the person’s unique face shape and angle of the tip are decisive. The golden ratio is very important in rhinoplasty, which is the most striking part of the face. At this point, rhinoplasty operations should be planned according to the golden ratio. As in all aesthetic operations, the most important point in rhinoplasty is to produce an ideal and natural-looking result for the patient.

Customized Nose Features

  1. Gender

Women have a more sensitive nose structure than men. It is generally smaller, narrower and less projective. The nasal dorsal is more concave, while in the male it is flat and a little convex.

Click to get detailed information about Rhinoplasty for Male.
  1. Ethnicity

How should a natural nose be?

Ethnic term; refers to a group of people who share a common racial, cultural, national, religious or linguistic heritage. Ethnic Rhinoplasty, on the other hand, is a natural rhinoplasty with features depending on the race (European, African, Middle Eastern, Latin American, Asian and Hispanic) people belong to. There is a different nose structure for each ethnicity and nose surgery is performed according to this nose structure.

Click to get detailed information about Ethnic Rhinoplasty.
  1. Big and Long Nose

How should a natural nose be?

We can say that the big and long nose type is the most common nose type in people. The fact that the nose is larger than the facial features of the person affects the person and forces him to have rhinoplasty. The important thing here is again the choice of the surgeon. In individuals with a large and long nose, the nasal skeleton becomes smaller while the nose surgery is performed, but the amount of skin remains the same. The skin adapts to the underlying skeleton and is attempted to be reduced in size as much as the tissues allow that to do, depending on the quality of the skin. For thick skinned patients they need to prepare their skin before surgery with fractional resurfacing CO2 laser treatment to help the skin to shrink during the surgery. It takes 1-2 years for the nose shape to fully settle. Rhinoplasty results in a 20-25% reduction. More than that is simply not possible. The reason for this is that we cannot reduce the skin structure on the nose while reducing the bone and cartilage structure of the nose. This is due to the fact that the skin is too large for the structure of the newly formed nose.

Click to get detailed information about Big and Long Nose Rhinoplasty
  1. Humpy Nose

How should a natural nose be?

During the development period, a hump may occur in your nose structure. With the development and completion of the bone structure during adolescence, the humpy nose structure in the genes begins to become evident. In addition to the gene structure, a humpy nose structure may occur as a result of blows, bumps, and falls during childhood.

Click to get detailed information about Humpy Nose.

What Should the Natural Nose Size Be According to Nose Angles?

Nasofrontal Angle: The nasofrontal angle shows how the nasal bone articulates with the glabella and brow. Ideally, the nose should have a small indentation at the point where the nose meets the glabella (the area between the two brow ridges of the forehead) and the eyebrow.


Nasal Angle: The nasal angle gives us information about how the nose tip structure fits with the rest of the nose. It is absolutely essential to evaluate this angle in patients who want to change the appearance of the nasal tips. Poorly protruding nose tips produce an undesirable facial aesthetic.


Nose-Jaw Angle: After evaluating the nasal angle, the chin itself is evaluated for the ideal nose. The chin is evaluated directly as the mentoservical angle. This angle directly evaluates the chin protrusion as it relates to the lip protrusion and nasal protrusion. For ideal facial aesthetics, this angle should be between 80-95 degrees.

What Should the Natural Nose Size Be According to the Face Ratio?

Face shape differs from person to person. The nose structure varies greatly according to the features of the person. The important thing in the facial area, which consists of the upper, middle and lower face parts, is to find the underlying facial skeleton. To assess facial or nasal symmetries or asymmetries, the face should be divided into five equal parts and evaluated. Your face should be divided into three vertically by taking the hairline, the tip of the nose, the upper part of the nose and the chin area. Here, in general, the horizontal axis of the nose should be equal to the horizontal axis of the eye. The upper third is the most variable, and the lower third of the face is then divided into thirds by visualizing a horizontal line between the oral commissure (stomion). The upper third of this lower part is located between the nasal base and the oral commissure, and the lower two thirds are between the commissure (stomion) and the menton. The nose length should be equivalent to the stomionto-menton distance (SM). The lower lip should be within 2 mm of this line. The ideal chin position varies by gender, with the chin slightly behind the lower lip in women and equal to the lower lip in men. In order to reveal the ideal nose structure, the person’s features and nose structure are examined and the new nose shape must be compatible with all these features in order to catch the golden ratio. Conditions for attaining the golden ratio:

  • When adapting the golden ratio to rhinoplasty, it should be taken care to ensure that the nose length is equal to 1/3 of the face height,
  • The ratio between the width of the nose and the width of the mouth should be compatible.
  • The ratio between the length of the nose and its projection and the ratio of the sides of the face rectangle to each other should be considered.
  • The ratio of the space between the eyebrows to the space between the pupils
  • The ratio of the widths to the lengths of the front two teeth in the upper jaw,
  • The ratio of the width of the lower lip to the width of the upper lip

Before deciding on nose surgery, shape deformities in the nose are also decisive points to achieve the natural nose structure.

How to Correct Nose Shape Deformities?

  1. Septum Deviation

Septum deviation is the curvature of the bone in the nose. Septorhinoplasty surgery is performed to get rid of the bone curvature of the nose due to various reasons.

Click to get detailed information about Septum Deviation
  1. Droopy Tip

In the ideal nose structure, there should be a 90 degree angle for males and 110 degree angle for females between the tip of the nose and the upper lip. When the tip of the nose falls, this angle becomes smaller and appears to be stuck to the lip. Especially when viewed from the side, this droopiness at the tip of the nose is easily evident. If you have a droopy nasal tip problem, you should have a nose tip surgery.

Click to get detailed information about Droopy Tip.
  1. Nose Deformity Causes and Deformations

Bunların yanında burun şekil bozukluğu semptomları arasında nefes almada yaşanan problemler ve horlama, burunda zamanla meydana gelen kemer ve burun deliklerinde orantısızlık yer almaktadır. In addition to these, nasal deformity symptoms include breathing problems and snoring, and disproportion in the nostrils and hump that occur over time in the nose.

Click to get detailed information about Nose Deformity Causes and Deformations

Things to Consider in Nose Surgery for Reaching a Natural Nose

I Want a Natural Nose. Is It Apparent That I Have Had Aesthetic surgery? The answer to these questions is completely hidden in the aesthetic operation. We have stated that the concept of natural rhinoplasty will vary from person to person due to both the person’s tastes and the physical features of the face. However, natural nose surgery is possible for every person. For natural rhinoplasty, you should first choose a plastic surgeon who has proven his success in his field and whom you can trust. After you make the right choice, the things to be done in the way of natural rhinoplasty are shaped by your plastic surgeon according to your wishes. There are four parts of the nose that your plastic surgeon should consider for natural nose surgery. These sections are;


Upper part of the nose: The upper part of the nose consists of the nasal bones. If there is a deformation in the upper part of your nose and your surgeon wants to make changes at this point, equalizing the nasal bone height and the angle between the upper part of the nose and the forehead will reveal a nose structure that most patients desire. Shrinking the bone too much can cause indentation and will make it look both unnatural and the lower nose too big. This can also limit airflow, so the goal should be straightening and narrowing without overdoing it.


The middle part of the nose: There is a septum consisting of a rectangular cartilage in the middle part of the nose that separates the left and right nostrils of the nasal bones and extends quite deep into the nasal cavity. On either side of the septum is a small curve of cartilage called the upper lateral cartilage that helps keep the nasal airway open. In this area, most patients want the nose to appear straight when viewed from the front, not too wide or narrow. When viewed from the side, it is desired that this middle part of the nose be at equal height to the nasal bones. During surgery to reduce a lump or curvature in this area, the surgeon should avoid removing too much cartilage in this area. Overdoing it can interfere with breathing. Your surgeon will delicately treat this area to make it as flat as possible. Sometimes the mid nose needs to be supported with special cartilage grafts called spreader grafts that keep the airway open and help straighten the nose.


Nasal tip: The shape of the nose tip and rim consists of two curved C-shaped cartilages. Much of the aesthetics and beauty of the nose depends on the size, shape and projection of the tip. You and your surgeon can make choices about tip changes. The aim is to project the tip at the same level and from the side view equal to, and perhaps slightly beyond, the height of the profile line. If the tip is drooping or less protruding outward, it may appear curved. If too much is removed from the tip, it can sometimes point too high. This is where the experience of your rhinoplasty surgeon is important. Some of the common changes are:

  • Increased projection with sutures or cartilage grafts
  • Reducing an over-projected tip
  • Narrowing a wide or boxy tip
  • To make an irregular tip more symmetrical and even


Nose Skin: Nose skin differs from person to person. In rhinoplasty surgery, the fact that the skin of the nose is thin or thick, as well as being dry and oily, affects the nose surgery. At this point, the structure of the nose skin is also very important for the emergence of the ideal nose structure. If we go into more details about what should be considered for natural nose surgery:

  • The nose is an organ located in the middle of the face. When the face is considered as 3 equal parts, provided that it includes the inner canthus and lip line, the nose that is compatible and proportional with the resulting parts will be the ideal nose.
  • The fact that the nostrils are parallel to the midline of the eyes helps to achieve the ideal nose proportion.
  • It is very important to achieve the golden ratio in rhinoplasty for natural rhinoplasty. As a matter of fact, the sculptors of the Renaissance period used the golden ratio formula while creating their sculptures. At the point we have reached today, the golden ratio has gained importance in rhinoplasty.
  • When the nose is evaluated alone, it should have harmonious proportions within itself. In addition, it should be shaped in a way that is compatible with everyone’s unique facial features.
  • When we look at a person’s face, the nose comes to the forefront. Therefore, one of the conditions that must be met for a natural rhinoplasty is to adjust the front view of the nose correctly and proportionally.
  • In natural nose surgery, when the post-operative swelling is gone and the shape of the nose is settled, the person will never find his own nose strange. People with thick-skinned noses may take a little longer to recover than thin-skinned noses.

Closed and Atraumatic Technique for Natural Nose Surgery

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS uses Closed and Atraumatic Technique, which has a faster recovery process compared to open technique nose surgery. The main advantages of the Closed and Atraumatic technique are as follows:

  • In nose surgeries performed with Closed and Atraumatic Techniques, there is no scar because the tip of the nose is not cut.
  • Since the pitanguy ligament located behind the nasal tip skin is not cut, there is no dropping in the tip of the nose.
  • After the nose surgery performed with the Closed and Atraumatic Technique, the mobility and softness of the nasal tip is preserved.
  • When nose surgery is performed with this technique, since the number of cut nerves is less, the numbness in the nose after the surgery is less.
  • Thanks to Closed Technique nose surgeries, the tip of the nose is better supported.
  • Swelling that may occur after nose surgery is minimized by this technique.
Click to get detailed information about Closed Atraumatic Technique.

Natural Rhinoplasty Before and After Difference

Perhaps the biggest indicator of natural rhinoplasty is the comments of people you meet after rhinoplasty. Imagine meeting a new person after rhinoplasty and complimenting your nose. If this person does not ask if your nose has been operated on, you may think that the necessary procedures for natural rhinoplasty have been done. However, it is worth remembering that it takes a certain time for the structure of your nose to settle, since the swelling of the nose passes after an average of two months after the splint is removed. If you want to achieve the ideal nose structure for your face, it should not be forgotten that you should choose the right surgeon, which is important here. We have come to the end of our blog post, where we tell you how to get a natural nose structure with rhinoplasty and answered the question How should the ideal nose be? We would like to remind you that you can review our rhinoplasty page for more detailed information, and contact us for your questions on +90 543 456 36 93. Have a healthy day.

Deviated septum (crookedness of the nasal bone)

Deviated Septum (Crookedness of The Nasal Bone)

Deviated Septum (Crookedness of The Nasal Bone)

Septum deviation is the crookedness of the nasal bone as called colloquially. Deviated septum causes numerous issues therefore it affects the life quality of people. We will talk about septum deviation in our blog post today and will try to answer all of your questions.

What deviates Septum?

Septum deviasyonu (burun kemiği eğriliği)

A nose is the starting point of the respiratory tract and ensures healthy breathing, which is one of the most vital functions of the body system.

The nose is a tunnel divided in the middle by a wall. The nasal septum is the part that divides the nasal cavity into two parts. The medical name of this wall is “septum nasale”. The area we call the septum in the nose is a structure consisting of cartilage and bone, located in the middle of the nostrils that divides the nose into two air passages and extends to the nasal cavity. In the nose with deviation, this structure is not where it should be. Its midline may be more or less tilted to the side. It is considered to be healthy when the inner width, length, and volume of each tunnel are close to each other. In an ideal and healthy nose structure, two separate air passages are in a structure that expands towards the back. This expanding section ensures that the incoming air is warmed, humidified, and sent to the olfactory area. In addition, particles, which entered with air and larger than 5 microns are retained and filtered by the mucoid secretions on the nasal mucosa. Thus, the air transferred to the lungs is of a certain quality and clean. The health of our respiratory tract and lungs is related to the quality of the air taken. An individual with septum deviation does not have this nose structure. He has a curvature on his nose. The curvature of the nose, which causes problems while inhaling and exhaling, basically prevents airflow.

What are The Reasons Causing Septal Deviation?

The deviation may occur due to hereditary features or due to asymmetrical face shapes. In addition, deviations may occur as a result of blows to the nose from the outside in the later stages of life, which can usually be in childhood or adolescence. Nose development is a known process that continues until the age of 18. Blows to the nose during childhood can cause shifts of 1 millimeter. If these shifts are not taken into account, the shifts continue to grow as the nose structure develops.

In 80% of people, the septum is not located in the middle. This does not cause excessive discomfort. The fact that the septum is located much further from the middle side causes various health problems. The disease is defined as pronounced crookedness of the septum partially or completely, being shifted from the midline and affecting respiration. The air passage is often reduced on the curved side. The curvature is sometimes S or C-shaped and can block both sides of the nose. The greater the deviation, the greater the nasal congestion. When one side is obstructed, patients usually do not feel discomfort in this way, as they can breathe from the other side.

What Problems Cause Deviation?

Since deviation affects vital conditions such as breathing, it can cause many problems. We can list the problems caused by nasal cartilage curvature as follows;

  • With nasal congestion, the person breathes through the mouth. Therefore, the air is not heated and humidified as in the nose, and the quality of the air going to the lungs decreases. This causes problems in the lungs and respiratory tract.
  • Due to poor quality air, organs such as the throat, larynx, and lungs strive to improve the quality of the air. This can cause reactions.
  • A snoring problem occurs.
  • As the quality of breathing decreases, the quality of sleep also decreases, and its regularity is disrupted.
  • Many situations such as headache and feelings of weakness during the day may be encountered.
  • Excessive weight gain may occur.
  • Diabetes may occur.
  • Heart problems may occur.

The person who cannot breathe through the nose will have to breathe through the mouth. Mouth breathing has some downsides. We can list these negative aspects for you as follows;

  • Dryness in the mouth.
  • Breath odor.
  • Problems with teeth and gums.
  • Being off feed.
  • Sneezing attacks.
  • Weakness in sense of smell.

What are The Symptoms of Septum Deviation?

The deviation is a problem that can be seen from the outside of the nose. This is how the nasal bone curvature manifests itself. However, in some cases, some symptoms occur in the nose as well. We can list these symptoms as follows;

  • Bilateral or unilateral nasal congestion.
  • Mouth breathing.
  • Sleeping with an open mouth.
  • Sleep apnea and snoring.
  • Persistent recurrence of sinus infection.
  • Pain in the nose and middle of the face.

The operations performed to correct the curvatures of the septum, which separates the two nasal passages from each other and consists of cartilage in the front and bone in the back, are called “septoplasty”. Since septum deviation is a very common problem in society, “deviation surgeries” to correct this problem are among the most frequently performed surgeries.

The most common complaints in individuals with nasal cartilage curvature are snoring and nasal concha.

Septoplasty for Snoring Treatment

Septal deviation refers to the formation of curvatures in the nose, and septoplasty is the surgery applied to the operations performed to eliminate these curves. With septoplasty surgery performed under general anesthesia, you can get rid of symptoms such as snoring, frequent sinusitis infections, constant post-nasal drip, and chronic headache by correcting the curvature.

Septoplasty in The Treatment of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is when you suddenly have respiratory failure for 10 seconds during sleep. During these 10 seconds, the airflow decreases by 50%, and the oxygen level in the blood decreases (desaturation), or awakening occurs. Sleep apnea, which reduces the quality of life at a high level, is seen between 5% and 10% in our country. You can say goodbye to sleep apnea problems and increase your quality of life with septoplasty, the treatment of septum deviation, which is one of the causes of sleep apnea.

Septoplasty for Sinusitis Treatment

There are cavities called sinuses around the nose. Sinusitis is the filling of these spaces with inflammation. Sinusitis causes a headache, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, and many other problems. If the deviation is detected in the patient’s nose together with sinusitis, sinusitis treatment can be performed with septoplasty. If the curvature is detected in the nasal structure, sinusitis causes a much greater breathing problem.

Those who want to get rid of sinusitis or want to get more information can read our blog post about Which method should be applied in sinusitis surgery?

Septoplasty in the Treatment of Concha Hypertrophy

Septum deviasyonu (burun kemiği eğriliği)

There is no space like a tube inside the nose, and there are three pieces of meat called concha on each side. The task of these 3 turbinates, which are the lower, middle, and upper turbinates, is to warm, humidify and filter the inhaled air. Concha enlargement and swelling occur with the curvatures that occur with the deviation of the septum. Nasal congestion becomes more pronounced with hypertrophy. Hypertrophy refers to the overdevelopment of a tissue or organ. Concha hypertrophy is treated with medication or surgical methods. In some cases, a septoplasty operation can be performed in combination with a nose aesthetic operation called “rhinoplasty”. Concha hypertrophy, in which intranasal soft tissues swell due to allergies, etc., can also be treated by intervening in the same operation.

You can read our blog post called What is a nasal polyp? How is the treatment done? To get detailed information about nasal polyp treatment

How to decide on Septum Deviation Surgery (Septoplasty)?

The nose, which is a structure consisting of bone, cartilage, and tissues, is a whole that should not be separated into internal and external. Before the deviation surgery, the nose should be examined internally and externally and the problems should be determined. It should be determined whether there is a deviation sign outside the nose. If there is such a problem with the nose, the process should work together.

Nasal bone crookedness is a problem that is usually evident from the outside of the nose. Performing only intranasal deviation surgery causes the destruction of the patient’s nasal cartilages, and then extra nasal deviation surgery becomes very difficult.

The patient should also be consulted on this matter. If the patient requires an external intervention for the nasal bone crookedness, both the inside and outside of the nose should be operated on.

Septum Deviation Treatment Summary

IMPORTANT: The information below has been prepared on general points related to the operation process. Everyone is unique. The treatment process, planning, and results of everyone who has had nose surgery may differ.
Operation Name


(Deviated nose treatment)

Rest Time 7 – 10 days
Used technique Open and Closed aesthetic surgery technique Amount of nights at the hospital 1 night
Duration of the operation 3 – 4 hours Downtime Return to Work or Social Life 10 – 14 days
Anesthesia type General anesthesia Final outcome 2 – 12 months
Sensitive period 5-7 days Operation cost Please get in touch for detailed information

We have come to the end of our blog post about deviation prepared by TAS Aesthetic Surgery Center. Throughout the article, we answered your questions such as, “What is the deviation? “What are the signs of deviation?” and “How is septum deviation surgery done?”: If you want to get information about septum deviation surgery (Septorhinoplasty), you can read our blog post via the relevant link, or if you have other points that you want to learn about septum deviation, you can contact us by calling +90 543 456 36 93.

Frequently Asked Questions about Septum Deviation

How common is septum deviation?

Health experts estimate that up to 80% of people have a deviation of the septum.

What happens if the septum deviation is not treated?

If septum deviation is not treated; It is faced with problems such as poor quality sleep, low oxygen capacity, snoring, cessation of breathing during sleep, sleep disorders, dry throat, chronic pharyngitis attacks, and nose bleeding.

Does septum deviation surgery change the shape of the nose?

It varies according to one’s own wishes. If the patient does not want any changes in his nose, there will be no change in the shape of the nose with a successful septum deviation surgery.

How is septum deviation surgery performed?

Deviation surgery is a type of surgery that can be performed under general or local anesthesia. After anesthesia, an incision is made on the patient’s nose and the cartilage membrane is reached through this incision. The membrane found here is removed. The crooked cartilages are taken out. It is extremely important not to damage the healthy ones while these cartilages are taken out.

Is Tampon Used in Deviation Surgery?

Although the deviation surgery can be performed without buffering. However, it is a frequently preferred practice to put thin silicone supports into the nose at the end of the surgery, due to the effects of preventing mucosal edema and blood accumulation under the mucosa in the early period.

Does the voice change after septum deviation surgery?

Since deviation rhinoplasty affects the entrance and exit of air into the nose, some voice changes may occur after deviation surgery.

How long does the recovery process take?

Once the patient is discharged especially in the first week, he should be careful in many matters. The patient should not lie on his side for at least 1 week. He shouldn’t miss the follow-up appointments. In time, he will get rid of the bruising and swelling problems associated with the surgery. Then the prohibitions on the patient are lifted one by one. If nothing goes wrong, the nose will be settled at the end of 1 year.

Can I breathe more easily after septum deviation surgery?

The general answer to your burning question about whether septoplasty can help you breathe better is yes. After undergoing septum deviation surgery, you will notice a significant improvement in your breathing. It is very common to experience less nasal congestion than before, which allows for better breathing.

At what age can septum deviation surgery be performed?

It is more appropriate to perform septum deviation surgery after the age of 18, when bone and cartilage development has stopped. In addition, it can be done with peace of mind in patients in their 40s and 50s. If it is an emergency, it is not inconvenient to do it in childhood.

Does septum deviation affect the eyes?

Septum deviation does not cause pain or vision problems, but it could be a sinus infection. Symptoms of sinus infection are facial or sinus pain, headache, runny nose, post-nasal drip, congestion, and fever. It can also cause orbital or eye socket and ear infections.

Septum deviation surgery (septoplasty) is effective in the treatment of which diseases?

With septoplasty, you can get rid of symptoms such as snoring, frequent sinusitis infections, constant post-nasal drip and chronic headache.

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