The Top Otoplasty Suergon in Istanbul Turkey | Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS
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The Top Otoplasty Suergon in Istanbul Turkey

The best plastic surgeon for ear surgery

Ear Surgery is one of the aesthetic surgery procedures that directly affect your facial beauty and golden ratios. For this reason, choosing the best plastic surgeon for ear surgery (otoplasty) is very important. In this article, we will talk about the tips and tricks for choosing the best plastic surgeon for ear surgery.

1. Utilized Technique in Ear Surgery

The first of the tricks of the plastic surgeon’s choice in ear surgery is the technique used by the doctor in ear surgery. You can come across many techniques while doing research for ear cosmetic surgery. This situation may cause confusion. First of all, you need to identify your existing complaints. You should know what disturbs you in your ears. Prominent ear syndrome? Big ear deformation? Ear lobe aesthetics? Or congenital ear anomaly? Having fully determined your complaint will help you in choosing a doctor.

Flap Technique ve Classic Technique in correction of the prominent ear

The most demanded cosmetic surgery procedure in ear aesthetics all over the world is the prominent ear. One of the methods used for the prominent ear is the classical prominent ear surgery method. In this method, the ear is stitched to the head with the holes opened on the ear and brought closer to the head. The biggest risk of the procedure is that the stitches are detached by the time and the ear gets its previous shape.

Nowadays, the most preferred technique is the awarded Flap Technique which was developed by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS. In the Flap technique, the ear is brought closer to the head using modified flaps behind the ear. Dissolvable stitches are used during the process. After a while, the stitches are expected to dissolve and fall. Since the process doesn’t depend on the stitches, the ear will not be restored after the stitches dissolve. With the advancement of technology, the Flap technique is the most preferred method today and in the next period. In this sense, the doctor should be well educated.

Below  you may find publications by Dr. Suleyman TAS about Flap Technique;
Annals of Plastic Surgery Journal in 2014 and Aesthetic Surgery Journal in 2018.

2. Experience & Skills of the plastic surgeon

Another key point in choosing otoplasty surgeon is the experience of the doctor. He must have enough experience with the operations he performed in ear aesthetics.

The plastic surgeon you decide to have your ear surgery must also be talented. Even if he has all the technical knowledge, if he has no talent, the possibility of an unsuccessful result is very high. The doctor’s point of view towards art and his interest in art will always keep his existing talent alive.

3. Trust based relation and confidence in plastic surgeon

The most important point in choosing a doctor in ear surgery is the feeling of trust between you and your doctor. Your first meeting with your doctor is an important step towards building trust. During your detailed meeting, you should express clearly your complaints and expectations to your doctor. Your doctor will explain which method or technique is more suitable for you in a realistic manner. If you have a healthy feeling of trust between you and your doctor, surgery planning can be done by considering the surgical process, recovery process, hospital process, financial factors of the surgery and by discussing all the details.



In summary, cosmetic ear surgery requires dexterity, skill, art and care. Our advice to you is that the plastic surgeon you choose to do your surgery to be an expert in this field, confident in himself and gives confidence to you, concerned with you and have achieved success with previous operations. These are the factors you need to take into consideration to help you decide on the best plastic surgeon for your ear surgery.


Ear Surgery Before After Pictures
More Info About Prominent Ear Surgery
Suleyman tas
Author: suleyman tas

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