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Post-traumatic and crooked nose rhinoplasty

Top 10 Myths about Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) is a painful process

False. The first myth is about rhinoplasty is that this process is very painful. Sensitivity varies from patient to patient in line with the pain threshold. However, even if you are very sensitive to pain, the pain can be managed and tolerated.


Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) is not an option for airway obstruction repair

False. First, we check our patients’ airways during the detailed examination to see if there is any breathing problem. Later we do a simulation to consider the esthetics look. By this way, we can ensure both a healthy breathing and a beautiful look.


After rhinoplasty, splint removal is a painful process

False. Splint removing is not a painful process. After rhinoplasty, the splint is put on the nose with the help of strong adhesives. When removing the splint there is no pain or ache. If there is an intervention to airways, we use new generation tampons which are silicone and compatible with the shape of the nose. So, it prevents you from feeling pain.


Rhinoplasty is for all age groups

False. Rhinoplasty is not for all age groups. It is based development of bone and gender. It is necessary to complete the age of 17 for females and 18 for males. There is no upper age limit. However, we do not recommend rhinoplasty to patients over 40 years old, because we may see other health problems in this group.


Rhinoplasty (Nose job) can be performed to everyone

False. Rhinoplasty cannot be performed to everyone. The health status of the patient is very important. If there is an important disease or any concern, this should be concerned. Smoking is a negative factor in this process. We advise a surgery after stop smoking.


It is not safe to have rhinoplasty while breastfeeding

False. Rhinoplasty can be performed to the patient who is breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is not a barrier to have this operation.


Rhinoplasty affect the loss of smell

False. There is no intervention in the olfactory zone during rhinoplasty. All surgical interventions take in the different zones. Therefore, there is no loss of smell after rhinoplasty. However, this condition can be experienced for some time due to swelling and edema after the operation. It should not be forgotten that it is a temporary situation.


Patient relatives can be in the operation room during the surgery

False. It is not appropriate for the relatives of the patients to enter the operating room due to hygiene and sterilization rules.


Nose aesthetic surgery changes smiling

False. There is no permanent change in smiling after nose aesthetic surgery. You cannot command your laughing muscles because of the swelling and edema that may occur after the surgery. So, you can say that I do not smile like used to be until swelling edema gone. However, this situation is temporary.


Nose tip drops after nose aesthetic surgery

False. Choosing a Doctor for your nose aesthetic surgery is very important. With experienced and master hands, you do not experience nose tip dropping.

After rhinoplasty

After Rhinoplasty

In this article, we have discussed what patients should do after rhinoplasty and how they can handle this process easier. We can examine this process in two headlines; Cast Removal Day and After Removing the Cast.

The patient who had rhinoplasty is free to go her/his home after staying one night at the hospital and is invited to our clinic after 7 – 10 days from the operation to have cast and splint removal.

Cast Removal Day

This is the process that patients are most afraid of. In fact, these fears are very unnecessary. With the help of new generation silicon splints which are very elastic and are designed in line with the nose structure, removing splints is very painless.

The thermoplastic splint on the nose is removed without any pain with the help of its adhesive structure.

The patient’s blood pressure may drop due to excitement that occurs when the patient thinks about how she/he will look on the mirror. To prevent this condition, the patient should come to cast removal day with a full stomach. The patient may take a shower one day before or in the morning of the cast removal day that the cast will come out much easier.

After Removing the Cast

We do not need any bandages after removing the cast. However, some of our colleagues are using bandages. In this case, the patient must follow the instructions of the Doctor.

The patient, who is having cast removal, passes through the mirror after the adhesives on the nose are cleaned. This is the most exciting part. The patient, aware of their swelling, knows that most of the swelling will go away in 2 months. However, the patient who is unaware of the swelling and thinks that the result can be seen immediately, may fall into the void after seeing swelling on the face. Here the psychological dimension begins. After the nose surgery, the brain tends to find strange seeing the new face in front of the mirror. This is a normal process and can last up to 2-3 weeks. Patient relatives get used to this change process more quickly than the patient itself. This process is overcome with the support of our clinic psychologist and support of patients’ relatives.

The patient, who has cast and splint removal, should know that there will be some swelling on the nose and face. Depending on the skin’s quality, lubrication, acne or redness may appear on the surface of the skin. This can be eliminated in a short time using cleaning soap and lotion which are suitable for the skin type.

The delicate process that you need to be aware of after removing cast is 2 months. For a healthy healing, there should not be any strike or trauma at that period. Recommended massages should be done effectively and medicines should be used regularly. After 2 months, it is seen that most of the swelling is gone. However, it should not be forgotten that the result comes out after minimum 1 year.

It is important to attend 2 month and 1 year follow up appointments to have a healthy and complete rhinoplasty process. Let’s deep dive more “After Rhinoplasty” topic.

Things to Consider After Rhinoplasty

Now, we will be sharing with you how the after-rhinoplasty process progresses and what you need to pay attention to in this process. Recovery after rhinoplasty is a process that needs attention. We can start to explain how you should go through this process.

Recovery Process After Rhinoplasty

Recovery after rhinoplasty is a process that takes up to 1 year after surgery. This time may long up to 2 years. We can divide this process into 3 postoperative early, middle and late periods. The early period is the period that covers the first week after surgery. The middle period starts from the 7th day and lasts until the 2nd month. The late period also covers the period from the 2nd month to 1 year. Most of the recovery is completed from the 2nd month. However, this situation may vary from patient to patient.

What should be considered after rhinoplasty?

In this part of our article, we will explain step by step the processes you should pay attention to after surgery.

Things to Consider Immediately After Surgery

  • The first thing you should pay attention to after the surgery is your lying position. After the operation, you will lie with your head up. You should not try to lie down on your face. This position is important in order not to increase your swelling.
  • Ice should be applied until discharged.
  • Water should be drunk 6 hours after the operation. Soup and soft foods should be preferred.


Things to Consider After Discharge

  • At home, you should put a pillow / blanket behind your head and sleep in a sitting position for 1 week until your splint is removed.
  • You can take a shower, you can wash your hair by throwing it back as a hairdresser. Water should not come into contact with the face area.
  • Consuming green tea and parsley will help your edema go down quickly.
  • You should use your medication regularly.


Things to Consider After Removing Cast

  • The moisturizing function of the nose comes back 1 month after the operation. That’s why you should use medicine for 2 months after your splint and tampon are removed. The first is the “Nasal Spray” (6 times a day) and the other is “Pomade” (just before going to bed at night). I say nasal spray 6 times a day, but this is at least 6 times.
  • You should touch your nose softly. You can make up. You can clean it well in the shower. Your touches should be upwards.
  • Blowing, straining, coughing, bending-up, lifting or carrying a heavy load may increase your risk of bleeding. You should not do these movements unless they are told.
  • You should not wear glasses for 2 months. There is no harm in sunbathing, swimming or swimming. Don’t just jump into the water.
  • You should stay away from sports such as yoga, pilates and fitness for 8-10 weeks.
  • You should brush your teeth gently with a soft toothbrush.
  • Your controls are on the 2nd and 12th months. You should not miss your control days.


What to Eat After Nose Surgery?

  • You should consume soft foods after nose surgery.
  • You should stay away from extremely hot or cold foods.
  • While feeding after nasal surgery, you should not make excessive chewing movements for a certain period of time. However, you should not chew gum.
  • You should stay away from excessively salty foods.
  • After rhinoplasty, you should stay away from foods that cause gas for a certain period of time, and you should not consume soda.
  • Since it has a positive effect on the healing process of wounds, you should include foods containing protein and vitamin C in your diet after nose surgery.
  • As an individual, you should stay away from foods that you are allergic to.
  • You should not eat spicy foods for a certain period of time while feeding after rhinoplasty.


Is smoking allowed after rhinoplasty?

Smoking should definitely be quitted before rhinoplasty surgery. Smoking affects the recovery after nose surgery very badly and causes the healing to be disrupted. Therefore, smoking should be avoided before and after nasal surgery, and it should be avoided from smoking areas to prevent passive smoking.


Is it possible to do sports after rhinoplasty?

Sports are not allowed for 6 weeks after the operation. After the 6th week, small exercises such as walking can be done. For sports such as football and basketball that require close contact, patients are recommended to wear a mask or do it after they have recovered well. Activities such as swimming and gym can be started after the 8th week. However, this also varies depending on the patient and the details of the surgery performed.

After rhinoplasty
Celebrity Nose Job: Before and After
After rhinoplasty
90° TAS® Video | Rhinoplasty Before and After

What is the best scenario after rhinoplasty?

Correction of the problems affecting the external appearance of the person with rhinoplasty surgery can increase the patient’s self-confidence and be more effective in his social life and more successful in business life. In a healthy person, if it is well planned, performed in good hands, and postoperative complications are not seen, there is no obstacle to reach this expected beautiful scenario.

What is the worst scenario after rhinoplasty?

Anything that can cause unhappiness after nose surgery is a bad scenario. Rhinoplasty surgery to be performed is an operation that includes anesthesia, and all stages should be carried out meticulously. Among our people, “Nose surgery is a simple operation.” But every surgery is a surgical procedure, and every surgical procedure is a difficult process that must be done with maximum care. Preoperative detailed analysis is almost the only thing that can be done to minimize postoperative unhappiness.

In the press, “He went into a coma after nose surgery.” It is possible to see this type of newspaper headlines. This is actually something that reveals the importance of nose surgery. However, it should not be forgotten that it may not happen just due to rhinoplasty, but it may happen during any kind of surgery. In the literature, those risks are there. They should be told to patients very clearly and should go forward in-line with the patient consent.

When to massage after rhinoplasty?

Massage is part of the care after rhinoplasty. The main purpose of nasal massage, which should definitely be performed in-line with the plastic surgeon’s approval, is to positively affect the healing process of edema and swelling. After the operation, it should be massaged with the right methods for 20 minutes a day for an average of 2 months.

How many days will you stay in the hospital after rhinoplasty?

We want you to stay under observation for 1 night after the operation. You will be discharged the next day.

How many days I need to stay in Turkey?

You need to stay total 7-10 days in Istanbul. Pre-operative preparations will be performed 1 day before the surgery. You are going to stay overnight at the hospital. 7 days later, your cast will be removed.

How many days does the tampon stay after rhinoplasty?

This is among the most frequently asked questions regarding the postoperative period. New generation silicone tampons are placed in the nose during rhinoplasty, and they are removed 1 week after surgery. With the effect of high technology, these silicone tampons specially designed for nose surgeries and offer comfortable recovery process.

Is it painful to remove tampons?

Removing splints and tampons is not a painful process. The splint placed on the nose during the operation with the help of adhesives. While the splint is removed, the patient does not feel any pain.

How long does it take to recover fully?

Recovery time after rhinoplasty may vary depending on the scope of the surgery performed and the technique applied. Splints and tampons are removed after 1 week. Attention is paid to details such as lying position for the period recommended by the doctor. Generally, after the first 7-10 days, the person shows enough recovery to return to normal social life. However, after this process, even if the patient returns to her social life, the patient should continue to protect her nose in line with the doctor’s recommendations.

When will I see the final result?

You will not see the final shape of your nose just after the operation. Swelling and edema in the nose after rhinoplasty will be gone month by month. %80 of swelling will be gone 2 months and the remaining %20 of swelling will be gone in next 10 months. 2-3 months result will give an idea to the patients. But min after 1 year the patient will see the final result.

How much does rhinoplasty change the face?

As you know, the nose is located in the middle of the face. Therefore, the slightest change in the nose will have huge effect on the face. However, this change takes place in a positive way depending on the skills of your cosmetic plastic surgeon. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid about this.

How long does it take to breath normally after rhinoplasty?

It may be harder to breathe just after the rhinoplasty. There will be a daily improvement on breathing as expected. However, if you don’t see any improvement, you need to get in touch with your plastic surgeon.

How long does nasal congestion last after rhinoplasty?

Due to swelling that will occur inside and outside of the nose, it is normal to see nasal congestion after rhinoplasty. But it will not be permanent, in-line with decreasing swelling, nasal congestion will also disappear. Endoscopic examination will help us to monitor the progress. To have more comfortable progress medical spray may be required.

Is it normal to have bleeding after rhinoplasty?

Bleeding may occur in the first 24 hours after rhinoplasty surgery. What is important here is to understand whether the bleeding is an active bleeding or an outflow of old blood. If there is active bleeding, actions should be taken. The outflow of old blood can only be followed by dressing. Bleeding that occurs 24 after nose surgery should be evaluated more carefully. In case of bleeding after nose surgery, the patient is asked to contact the plastic surgeon. After rhinoplasty, it is beneficial to stay under observation in the hospital for the first 24 hours.

How long does the pain last after rhinoplasty?

We don’t observe any pain with Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty after rhinoplasty. Of course, if a patient is very sensitive to a pain, she may feel at minimum level. Your plastic surgeon may recommend pain killer medications. Therefore, there should be no fear about pain.

Are there scars after rhinoplasty?

The condition that there is no scar after rhinoplasty depends on the technique used in the surgery. With open technique, an incision is made at the tip of the nose. Therefore, it is likely that there will be scars on the nose after surgery. However, in the operations performed with closed technique, it is not possible to leave a scar on the nose. As a matter of fact, there is no incision on the tip of the nose in operations performed with the closed technique that we also use as the TAS Aesthetic Surgery Center. The surgery is performed through the nostrils, preventing the scars that may occur after the surgery.

How is the psychological situation after rhinoplasty?

If the patient prepared herself mentally enough before the operation and knew about what to expect about the operation process, she will continue with a good psychology after the operation. Some patients do not want to change or are afraid of change. This group of patients may not accept the shape change that occurs after surgery. It will be best for the patient to go forward if she is ready for the operation.

How long does it take to not see any bruises and swelling after rhinoplasty?

After the nose surgery, the swelling and bruises around the face and eyes will pass naturally. No additional intervention is needed for this. Due to have fast recovery, the patient must strictly follow the advice from her plastic surgeon. Swelling and bruises around the eyes disappear in a short time such as 3-4 days. However, patients need to be patient in order to eliminate the edema in the nose because the operation is performed inside the nose. In the operations performed with Closed Atraumatic Technique, swelling in the nose disappears maximum within 2 months after the operation. In a total of 1 year, the swelling in the nose completely will be gone and the nose regains its final appearance.

As TAS Aesthetic Surgery Center, we have come to the end of our blog post, where we tell you what you need to pay attention to after rhinoplasty. To learn more please get in touch us.

Will there be bruising after rhinoplasty?

Swelling and bruising are common after nose surgery.

However, with Closed Atraumatic Technique, we don’t observe any bruising after rhinoplasty. 7 days later patients can get back their normal life. Please not that if a patient skin is very sensitive, then minimum bruising can be observed. It is important to not take any blood thinners up to 10 days before nose surgery, no drinking alcohol up to 5 days, no drinking lemon juice up to 2 days before.

If you observe bruising after rhinoplasty, it will be gone day one day.

Is massage needed after rhinoplasty?

It is very beneficial to massage after rhinoplasty to get rid of swelling earlier. Your plastic surgeon who performs your surgery will tell you how to do massage if it is needed. The massage will be special and customized for the patient in-line with the interventions done during the surgery. The nasal massage, which will be shown separately on the base of the nose, the back of the nose and the tip of the nose, can be performed for 20 minutes a day. This massage can be renewed every day and can be continued for 2 months. Since the swelling of the nose will be maximum when we wake up in the morning, it will be beneficial to do a nasal massage in the morning. In the evening, nasal swelling becomes minimal. With the control examination to be performed 2 months after the nose surgery, it may be requested to continue the nasal massage, or it can be limited to the areas with swelling.

How is the physical situation after rhinoplasty?

Just after the nose surgery, some daily activities will be restricted. Restriction of daily activities is also necessary for fast healing! The restriction will be removed after the 7th day and the patient will gradually reach the old activity performance.

After rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty Before and After Videos
In this blog, you will find 90° TAS® Video concept which represents Rhinoplasty Before and After Videos. All cases shows different period of the nose surgery with perfect transparency, the confidence, knowledge and skills of  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS.
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After rhinoplasty
Revision Rhinoplasty Before and After Pictures
Revision rhinoplasty can be performed due to correct deformities, preserve and support the structure and the function of the nose. Revision rhinoplasty can be applied to the patient, who had a previous rhinoplasty one or more times, desires and needs improvements cosmetically and/or functionally.
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After rhinoplasty
What Should I Eat After The Rhinoplasty?
One of the frequently asked questions by those who want to have a rhinoplasty is “What should I eat after the rhinoplasty?” As well as “what kind of nutrition should I have after rhinoplasty for a faster and proper recovery process?” We will be answering these questions in our blog post today.
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After rhinoplasty
Is There Scarring After a Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)?
The most common question, from the patients who want to have a rhinoplasty, is if there will be any scar after rhinoplasty. Nose jobs can be done with many different methods and techniques.
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Ultrasonic rhinoplasty with piezo method and micromotor technology

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty with Piezo Method and Micromotor Technology

With the developing technology day by day, nose surgery procedures are also changing. Thus, we achieve more painless and painless results before and after surgery. In this blog post, we will discuss the latest methods used in rhinoplasty surgery.

What is Piezo Method Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty?

Piezo method rhinoplasty is one of the most preferred rhinoplasty methods today. Piezo technology, which offers the advantage of recovery in a short time and less surgical scars compared to the traditional method, is a surgical method that shapes the nasal bone without breaking it thanks to the sound vibrations it creates. Therefore, since it does not damage the tissues, the risk of bleeding, bruising and edema is at the lowest levels. In ultrasonic nose surgeries using piezo technology, since a very sensitive surgical method is used, it shapes the nose in a controlled manner and achieves the targeted nose structure. The patient who has used Piezo technology in nose surgery can recover as soon as possible and continue his daily life from where he left off.

How Is Ultrasonic Piezo Rhinoplasty Performed?

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty, also known as piezo ultrasonic rhinoplasty, is a rhinoplasty surgery that lasts between 1.5-2 hours under local anesthesia. In piezo ultrasonic rhinoplasty surgeries, the nasal bone is flexed in a controlled manner so that the nasal bones can be seen more easily, and then these bones are removed and the deformities in the patient’s nose are removed. Thus, since piezo technology is used, the vessels, tissues, nerves and mucosa in the nasal structure are not damaged, and there is no excessive pain and bleeding after ultrasonic piezo rhinoplasty.

In the Piezo method preferred in ultrasonic rhinoplasty surgery, plastic surgeons have the opportunity to work more comfortably due to the devices used. The ultrasonic piezo nose surgery procedure, which provides great convenience both for the patient and the doctor, is a very advantageous option.

Advantages of Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty

Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty has many advantages for individuals who will have rhinoplasty surgery and differs from traditional nose surgeries in these aspects. The advantages mentioned are as follows;

  • Since tools such as chisels or rasp are not used in ultrasonic rhinoplasty procedures, there are no possible major complications.
  • It does not damage the soft tissues, blood vessels and nerves in the nasal structure.
  • Piezo technology is a more sensitive surgical method than traditional nose surgery techniques in terms of its general structure.
  • It provides a fast healing process.
  • Less pain is experienced before and after surgery.
  • It provides more natural results.

Am I a Suitable Candidate for Ultrasonic Piezo Rhinoplasty Surgery?

If you want to have ultrasonic rhinoplasty surgery with piezo technology, if you are uncomfortable with nasal asymmetry, septum deviation problem and nasal dorsal arch, and if you do not want to experience the extremely painful and bleeding process experienced in traditional nose surgeries, you may be the right candidate for ultrasonic piezo surgery.

The Recovery Process of Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty Surgery

Compared to traditional nose surgeries, the healing process of ultrasonic piezo surgery is shorter. Considering the acute healing process, the healing process takes approximately 1 week. In addition, the nose is completely recovered within 6 weeks. During this time, heavy physical movements should be avoided.

What is Micromotor Technology?

Micromotor technology, like Piezo technology, is a relatively new rhinoplasty method. Thanks to this method, which has been used for about 10 years, surgeries are performed in many fields from maxillofacial surgery to neurosurgery. Micromotor technology micromobilizes the motor technologies used in surgeries, allowing less damage to the inner walls of the nose by applying in narrower areas. In surgeries using micromotor technology, the nasal bones are corrected quickly and flawlessly and the deformities that the patient is concerned about are eliminated. Thus, the patient is planned to return to social life in a short time by experiencing less edema and bleeding risk.

How is Micromotor Technology Surgery Performed?

In micro-motor technologies that shape the nasal bone without breaking it, the 2 mm thin tips connected to the micromotor device allow the deformities in the nasal bone to be removed. Thus, fine millimetric studies are performed without deep incision marks in the nasal structure. As a result of the studies, soft tissue is never damaged.

For more detailed information about Micromotor and Piezo technologies or to make an appointment, you can contact us at +90 532 056 3693, and you can find all the other details you wonder about Rhinoplasty on our Rhinoplasty page.

Ultrasonic Piezo Rhinoplasty Frequently Asked Questions

Is ultrasonic rhinoplasty a permanent procedure?

Ultrasonic rhinoplasty surgery is a permanent rhinoplasty method that finely and precisely corrects the deformities of the nasal bone and bridge.

Is ultrasonic rhinoplasty better than traditional surgery methods?

Since it does not damage the nasal tissue and nerves like traditional methods, patients undergoing surgery experience less bleeding, edema and pain. For this reason, ultrasonic rhinoplasty is better than traditional nose surgery methods.

Is ultrasonic piezo rhinoplasty surgery safe?

In piezo ultrasonic rhinoplasty surgeries, the skin of the nose is carefully cut and the nasal cartilages are revealed and the nasal deformities are corrected by giving ultrasonic sound waves by piezo method.

Is the pain rate high in piezo ultrasonic rhinoplasty surgery?

The pain rate during the healing process of ultrasonic rhinoplasty is much less than classical nose surgery methods. The operated patient does not feel much pain after surgery.

When can I return to social life after piezo rhinoplasty?

After piezo ultrasonic rhinoplasty, you can return to daily non-heavy activities within 1 week. During this time, avoid strenuous movements as much as possible.

How long after piezo ultrasonic rhinoplasty can I do sports?

You can do sports activities at least 6 weeks after ultrasonic piezo rhinoplasty. During this period, you should stay away from activities that will force yourself. Otherwise, you may face undesirable results after the procedure.

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