Revision Rhinoplasty in Turkey | Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS
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Revision Rhinoplasty in Turkey

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Best revision rhinoplasty surgeon in turkey

Revision Rhinoplasty in Turkey

Due to different reasons such as choosing the wrong plastic surgeon, wrong interventions, getting an injury on the nose, some people may not be happy with their nose surgeries.

One of the most important issues for those who are not satisfied with the nose surgery is revision rhinoplasty also known as a secondary rhinoplasty. Througout the article we will try to answer the most important questions related to the revision rhinoplasty like “What is Revision Rhinoplasty?, In Which Conditions Revision Rhinoplasty is Necessary? Which Technique Should Be Applied for Revision Rhinoplasty?”. Revision Rhinoplasty is practiced by Suleyman TAS, MD in Turkey many times in a day.

Best Revision Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Turkey

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS

What is Revision Rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to repair both the shape and function of the nose in people who are not satisfied with the appearance and function of the nose although they have had one or more nose surgeries before. This dissatisfaction may occur as having difficulty breathing or disliking an aesthetic appearance, or both. The meaning of “Revision” is correction, which derives from the word ‘review’ in French. Revision rhinoplasty tends to be a more complex procedure than primary rhinoplasty, requiring patients to find a sufficiently qualified and experienced surgeon.

Revision rhinoplasty may vary as minor or major revision operations. Minor revision operation takes approximately 45 minutes. Major revision operation time can be 5-6 hours.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey

When is Revision Nose Surgery required?

It is normal to wait for the result to be obtained as soon as possible in aesthetic surgeries. However, it should be remembered that recovery after surgery will take a long time and there may be swelling that changes during the day. Although achieving the final shape of the nose varies from person to person, it usually requires 1-2 years. After the nose takes its final shape, 10% secondary interventions may be required for undesirable situations. Therefore, people who had rhinoplasty surgery should be patient and wait for their nasal structures to recover well before making a decision for secondary rhinoplasty.

According to the medical literature data, at the rate of 5-20% revision interventions are present after rhinoplasty surgery. So, “when should the revision surgery done at the earliest?” it is 1-2 years after surgery. The exact time will become clear after your discussions with your doctor.

In Which Conditions Revision Rhinoplasty Is Necessary?

After giving a general information about revision rhinoplasty, we can explain in which situations revision rhinoplasty may be required for those who are not satisfied with nose surgery.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
1. Breathing Problems

One of the reasons for having nose operations is complaining of not being able to breathe. If the breathing problems have started or continue after the operation, this can be corrected with a 15-20 minute procedure.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
2. Droopy Tip

Related to the weakness of the cartilages on the tip of the nose or thickness and oiliness of the nasal skin there may appear a droopy tip appearance. When this happens, surgical intervention may be required to revise it. After the revision nose surgery, the relevant negative situation will improve.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
3. Nasal Adhesion

After nose surgery, excessive nasal adhesion may occur in the nasal tissues. If the adhesion situation does not disturb the person visually or functionally, it would be best not to be touched. However, if there is an uncomfortable situation, it must be corrected by surgical intervention.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
4. Crookedness Of The Nose

There is no possibility of a 100% improvement in the nose, which is crooked before the nose surgery. The main goal in crooked nose surgeries is to improve the nose compared to its preoperative state. However, revised nose surgery may be required if the crookedness of the nose becomes worse than preoperative state or if the same crookedness continues.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
5. Occurrence Of Visible Irregularities

After the rhinoplasty surgery, there is a 1-2 year recovery period for the nose to reach the final result. If there are irregularities such as dents, bumps, and collapses on the nasal surface after the healing process is completed, it may need to be corrected with revision rhinoplasty.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
6. Getting A Trauma (Injury) On The Nose

The person who had nose surgery after the surgery should never get a trauma or injury to the nose during the period indicated by his doctor. He should be very careful with any hits, strikes and collisions. Otherwise, the nose may be damaged and revision nose surgery may be required.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
7. Patient And Doctor Aren’t Happy With The Outcome

If the final outcome after the healing process is completed makes the patient or the surgeon unhappy, or both, it may need to be corrected with revision rhinoplasty.

Which Technique Should Be Applied for Revision Rhinoplasty?

Challenging revision cases can be handled by the Closed Atraumatic Technique due to protect the anatomy of the nose, prevent tissue damage and eliminate scarring on the tip of the nose. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS handles revision cases with the Closed Atraumatic Technique since he doesn’t have visualization problems owing to the deep knowledge of the whole nasal anatomy, extended experience and using the latest endoscopic technology, even if the previous surgeries were performed with the open technique.  As described, closed rhinoplasty has many advantages. Among the most important of these are situations such as faster recovery process and no scar. If you want to have more information on the other advantages of closed rhinoplasty, you can use the link.

8 Months After Revision Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty

Revision Rhinoplasty

Process of the Best Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery

In this part of our article, we will give some information about the revision rhinoplasty process. Before the surgery, the deformations should be determined well and explained to the patient who will have the surgery. The patient should be informed about the interventions to be performed during the operation. The level of expectation and realistic results that can be achieved after the surgery should be evaluated together with the plastic surgeon. The first step in revision rhinoplasty surgery is a detailed examination. If the operation process is decided after the detailed examination, the date of surgery is determined. Preparations are planned for preoperative analysis and anesthesia. Revision rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. It is recommended to stay in the hospital for 1 night after revision nose surgery. After 1 week the cast and tampons are removed, right after social life can be resumed.

Secondary Rhinoplasty Before and After Pictures

Revision rhinoplasty can be performed due to correct deformities, preserve and support the structure and the function of the nose. Revision rhinoplasty can be applied to the patient, who had a previous rhinoplasty one or more times, desires and needs improvements cosmetically and/or functionally.

In this blog, you will find actual Revision Rhinoplasty cases performed by Assoc.Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS with the Closed Atraumatic Technique beyond the current knowledge. Revision rhinoplasty before and after pictures are demonstrated at various deformities with the detailed descriptions.

Case 1 (Before and just after the revision rhinoplasty nose surgery)

The patient had 2 previous open rhinoplasties in USA. Her complaints were asymmetry of the tip and dorsum. Nasal base retraction and right dorsum deviation have been addressed. Here a perfect example for finesse in rhinoplasty is demonstrated.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey

The alignment of the nose in rhinoplasty: Fix Down Concept. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 2020 Feb.
Nasal Base Retraction: A treatment algorithm. Aesthetic Surgery Journal, 2017 Jun.

Case 2 (Before and just after the revision rhinoplasty surgery)

The patient had 5 open Rhinoplasty surgeries before, had an extremely thick skin with severe skin laxity and absolutely no tip support. Assoc.Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS has excessive sub skin has been thinned, provided a tip support and significantly reduced the overall size of the nose by the Closed Atraumatic Technique without utilizing a rib cartilage.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey

Case 3 (Before and just after the revision rhinoplasty surgery)

The patient had a previous surgery with an open technique in USA. The upturned nose deformity, hanging columella and pinched nose deformities have been addressed by Assoc.Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS with the Revision Closed Atraumatic Technique without a rib cartilage. The deformity is also known as piggy nose deformity.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey

Case 4 (Before and just after the revision nose surgery)

The problems were low radix, retracted rim, excessive alas, remaining hump and breathing problems in an ethnic nose. All of them have been solved by Revision Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty. This case is a good example of ethnic rhinoplasty.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey

Case 5 (Before and just after the surgery)

The patient had a previous open rhinoplasty. Severe open roof deformity, pig nose deformity and deviated septum have been addressed by Dr. TAS using only septal cartilage. Fat injection has been performed for the under eyes area.

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Revision rhinoplasty before and after 2
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey

Case 6 (Before and just after the revision rhinoplasty surgery)

The patient had an open roof deformity, bulbous tip, inverted V deformity, nasal valves collapse, asymmetries, a bulbous tip with a thick skin. All her deformities have been addressed by the Closed Atraumatic Technique using a rib cartilage as there hasn’t been found leftover septal cartilage.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey

Case 7 (Before & 1.5 Years After)

In this revision case dorsal irregularities, a hump occured after previous surgery, droopy tip, nostril asymmetries and hanging columella issues have been resolved.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey

Case 8 (Before & 1 Year After)

This case has been performed as a live surgery during Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty Course and had many bony fragments in the tip area, open roof deformity with a crooked nose and septum deformity. A structural Closed Rhinoplasty has been performed by Assoc.Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS without any rib cartilage grafting.

Revision rhinoplasty before and after
Revision rhinoplasty before and after
Revision rhinoplasty before and after

Case 9 (Before & 1 Year After)

The male patient had an open roof deformity, dorsal irregularities, internal valve collapse and breathing issues which have been addressed at once by Assoc.Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS.

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Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey

Case 10 (Before and 2 years After)

The patient had an over projected nose, asymmetries and irregularities on the tip and the dorsum, deviated nose, wide tip and perforation in her septum. All issues have been addressed in one session with Revision Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty.

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey
Revision rhinoplasty in turkey

How Many Hours Does Revision Rhinoplasty Surgery Last?

The total duration of the revision surgery depends on the number of interventions needs to be performed to address the present deformities. One of the factors determining total duration is the need of additional operation site. Due to the intervention and deformation in revision rhinoplasty, cartilage inside the nose may not be enough for most of the time. In this case, it is necessary to take cartilage from behind the ear or rib. As in most of the surgeries performed by Assoc.Prof.Dr.Suleyman TAS if the patient has functional problems they are resolved at the same time with the aesthetical concerns. Doctor Suleyman Tas never ends the surgeries until he is totally satisfied with the final appearance. Therefore, revision nose surgeries take between 1 and 5 hours on average.

Recovery After Revision Rhinoplasty in Turkey

The revision rhinoplasty healing process takes longer than the patients who had no previous nose surgery. The damage from the previous surgery or surgeries of the patient directly affects the new surgery process. Unexpected minor problems may occur after a successful revision rhinoplasty. Surgical or non-surgical interventions can be performed to address these problems. Total recovery period after revision rhinoplasty can reach up to 2 years. Since the recovery period is quite long, it requires patience from the patient. In order to affect positively and speed up the healing process; the person who will undergo surgery must have prepared himself psychologically apart from the financial and spiritual process. He should establish a trust-based relationship with his doctor and think positively. During the recovery period after revision rhinoplasty, he / she should follow up with his doctor and follow the given instructions religiously.

Choosing a doctor for Secondary Rhinoplasty

As we mentioned earlier, revision rhinoplasty occurs in cases such as choosing the wrong plastic surgeon, wrong interventions or getting an injury on the nose. The revision rhinoplasty process is a more difficult process compared to the processes of patients who have not been operated previously. It requires deep knowledge and extended experience from the doctor especially if the rib or ear cartilage has to be harvested. For all these and similar reasons, you should be careful in your research. You should investigate all the details and try to choose the best revision rhinoplasty doctor for you. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS has proven himself in revision rhinoplasty by handling more than 2500 challenging revision cases so far with the Closed Atraumatic Technique.  There are countless deformities he has addressed such as pig nose deformity, open roof deformity, inverted V deformity, perforations in the septum, hard as stone tips, dorsal irregularities, collapses, crookedness and so on.

Cost of Revision Rhinoplasty in Turkey

Revision rhinoplasty prices vary according to the scope of the surgery to be performed. As Functional and aesthetical interventions required to reconstruct and repair each nose are different, so the prices may vary as well. Other factors that determine the revision rhinoplasty prices include the duration of hospital stay, the doctor performing the surgery, the hospital where the surgery is performed. For more information related the secondary rhinoplasty prices you may visit below article.

We have come to the end of our blog post about revision rhinoplasty. In the article we tried to give detailed information on the subject and tried to answer the questions such as “What is revision rhinoplasty?” and “When is Revision Nose Surgery required?” To learn more about secondary nose surgery you may contact us via +90 543 456 36 93.



Patients from all over the world decide to have rhinoplasty with Assoc.Prof.Dr. Suleyman TAS. A comprehensive questionnaire was sent to 5.000 patients to understand these patients better and also to help potential patients who are considering to have rhinoplasty. Let’s look main reasons:

Revision rhinoplasty in turkey


Revision rhinoplasty in turkey


Revision rhinoplasty in turkey


Revision rhinoplasty in turkey


Revision rhinoplasty in turkey


Revision rhinoplasty in turkey


Revision rhinoplasty in turkey


Revision rhinoplasty in turkey


Revision rhinoplasty in turkey


Revision rhinoplasty in turkey


Revision rhinoplasty in turkey


Revision rhinoplasty in turkey


Bonjour à toutes et à tous je recommande absolument Mr Tas Suleyman, un très super bon travail et à l’écoute des patients❤️

Gozde Mete

Amazing surgery by an amazing Doctor Süleyman Taş. Very friendly service. Good stuff! Felt like home!
Thanks a lot!

Kasim Cevirel

We are very pleased that we have a deal with the perfect DOCTOR thank you so much ‘ Dr. süleyman taş ‘ for your making us happy ?

Swliman Khaled 

Bonjour à toutes et à tous je recommande absolument Mr Tas Suleyman, un très super bon travail et à l’écoute des patients❤️

Gozde Mete

Amazing surgery by an amazing Doctor Süleyman Taş. Very friendly service. Good stuff! Felt like home!
Thanks a lot!

Kasim Cevirel

We are very pleased that we have a deal with the perfect DOCTOR thank you so much ‘ Dr. süleyman taş ‘ for your making us happy ?

Swliman Khaled 

You may reach us now via Whatsapp (+905434563693) or Contact Form !!

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2 years ago

Hello ,

do you have experience with nose job augmentation for clients from Southeast Asia ( for example : Vietnamese. Chinese or Korea ) . If you do nose job , what kind of technique you will use it?

Thank you in advance

Kind regards,


TAS Team
TAS Team
2 years ago
Reply to  Kameko

Hello Kameko! Our patients come from all around the globe from different backgrounds and ethnicities. Doctor TAS has an extended experience particularly in Asian cases, which require augmentation of the bridge. Augmentation can be performed either with septal cartilage, rib cartilage, or silicon implants depending on the clinic indications.

TAS Team
TAS Team
2 years ago
Reply to  Kameko

Hello Kameko! Our patients come from all around the globe from different backgrounds and ethnicities. Doctor TAS has an extended experience particularly in Asian cases, which require augmentation of the bridge. Augmentation can be performed either with septal cartilage, rib cartilage, or silicon implants depending on the clinic indications. You can contact us via Whatsapp

2 years ago

Hello I would love to have a rhinoplasty revision

TAS Team
TAS Team
1 year ago
Reply to  Any

Hello Elban
You can get more detailed information from our medical consultant through Whatsapp

Kristýna Kárová
Kristýna Kárová
1 year ago

Hello, I underwent septorhinoplasty and I am now so unhappy with the nose I have on my face. The dorsum was lowered without my prior knowledge, which makes the tip very prominent and round. An L strut was used so my nose is very hard and uncomfortable. The nostrils are strangely short. There are also some flaps inside the tip, I guess to keep the nostrils open. The nose is short and not protruding as it was so my smile is different as there is more space between the nose and the upper lip. I wonder whether there is something that can be done to improve it? Many thanks, Kristyna

TAS Team
TAS Team
1 year ago

Hi dear Kristyna,

Get in touch with us via WhatsApp for detailed consultation and evaluation.

Best Regards,
Tas Team

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