Arm Lift Surgery in Turkey
The sagging arm appearance that many people experience nowadays can cause aesthetic concerns. For this reason, those who face this issue often opt for arm lift surgery. As an expert in this field, this procedure allows patients to instantly achieve a firmer and more toned look for their arms, along with a speedy recovery process.
In this content I have written, I have provided all the detailed information about the arm lift procedure. Consequently, you will have no remaining questions regarding the arm lift surgery.
What is Brachioplasty? How is it performed?
The brachioplasty procedure, also known as an arm lift operation, has become a popular choice for many individuals in recent times. This procedure offers a fit and natural appearance to the arms, which impresses many. It is typically chosen due to aging, weight loss, or post-pregnancy changes. The brachioplasty operation is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes about 1-2 hours, depending on the extent of the sagging skin.
Before the brachioplasty procedure, the patient is administered general anesthesia, and the operation begins. During the procedure, the marked excess skin in the patient’s arm area is removed through incisions. Excess skin may also be excised during this process. After the removal of the excess skin, a skin tightening procedure is performed to make the skin appear more taut and firm.
Following the skin tightening procedure, medical sutures are used to close the incision areas on the arms. As a result, visible suture marks may be observed in the patient’s arm area. Finally, the overall recovery and healing time for the patient typically last up to one week.
Types of Arm Lift in Turkey
Arm lift surgery is divided into different types in Turkey. Types of arm stretching are divided into 3 in themselves. These types are determined in accordance with the examinations made by the surgeons and the wishes of the person. Types of Brachioplasty in Turkey are as follows;
Full Arm Lift Surgery
Mini Arm Lift Surgery
Thigh Arm Lift Surgery
Extended Arm Lift Surgery
Brachioplasty Techniques in Turkey
Brachioplasty is performed in Turkey using various techniques. These techniques are divided into four categories based on the method of execution. These methods are performed according to the needs and desires of the individual. The following techniques can be listed:
Extended Arm Lift
Extended arm lift surgery is a procedure performed due to excess fat and skin in the arm area, usually on patients who are overweight. Since general anesthesia is administered during this procedure, the patient does not experience any pain or discomfort. However, since there is a significant amount of excess fat and skin in extended arm lift surgery, the incision process will be longer, resulting in a more noticeable scar.
Liposuction Arm Lift
This method is preferred by many individuals and is usually performed under local anesthesia. During the surgery, a thin cannula is inserted into the patient’s arm area, and excess fat is suctioned out through this cannula. This allows the patient to achieve a tighter arm appearance. Liposuction arm lift is an invasive method and provides a quick recovery guarantee.
Endoscopic Arm Lift
This procedure is an advanced arm lift technique. In endoscopic arm lift, small incisions are made, and a thin camera called an endoscope is inserted into the patient’s arm area, allowing for better observation of the tissues. The muscles and skin tissues on the inner part of the arm can be easily tightened. This procedure is generally ideal for mild to moderate arm sagging.
Classic Arm Lift
Classic arm stretching is one of the most preferred arm stretching techniques today. In this technique, the places where the excess skins will be taken are determined and the excess fat and skins are removed with the help of bustrial. If there are loose muscle tissues after the skins are removed, these areas are tightened with special suture techniques. Thus, a more tense appearance is obtained.
Arm Lift Cosmetic Surgery Process in Turkey, Istanbul
The process of arm lift surgery in Turkey is a fast and effortless procedure that provides highly professional results. Brachioplasty, which is known for delivering excellent outcomes, consists of 5 effective and simple steps in Turkey. These steps are as follows:
Initial Consultation
Preliminary Preparations
First Steps
Step by Step to Healing
Final Results
Are You a Good Candidate For Brachioplasty Surgery
The excess fat and sagging skin appearance can sometimes cause negative psychological effects on individuals. That is why many people often choose to undergo arm lift surgery. To determine if you are a suitable candidate for arm lift surgery, it would be more appropriate to answer the following questions:
- Does the sagging skin appearance in your arm area make you feel uncomfortable?
- Do the excess fats in your arms contribute to the formation of your aesthetic concerns?
- Do you desire a tighter and firmer appearance in your arms?
If you answered “yes” to two out of these three questions, we can say that you are a suitable candidate for brachioplasty surgery. If you would like to obtain more detailed and comprehensive information about the brachioplasty procedure and determine if you are the right candidate for arm lift surgery, you can contact us to receive information.
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Don't Worry! Everything You Want to Know About Arm Lift Surgery is Here
I am quite uncomfortable with the sagging skin on my arms, but I don’t want to undergo a difficult surgery.
Sagging arm appearance due to age or genetic reasons is a condition that bothers many of us. To permanently get rid of this condition, you can choose arm lift surgery. With arm lift surgery, you can quickly eliminate the sagging skin appearance and achieve a tighter and firmer look. This mentioned procedure is actually a relatively easy process and allows for a fast recovery.
I want to get rid of the excess fat in my arm area quickly and effectively.
Getting rid of the fat in the arm area through sports or other activities can be quite difficult and time-consuming. Instead, you can opt for the shorter and easier procedure of Brachioplasty. With Brachioplasty, you can have a tighter arm structure in a very short time and with minimal effort.
I’m afraid that weight fluctuations will affect the results of the arm lift surgery.
Weight fluctuations can indeed affect the results of the arm lift surgery. However, there is no need to worry about this. By following the recommended dietary regimen from your doctor, you can eliminate the issue of weight fluctuations. This way, the result of your arm lift surgery will not be affected.
Before and After Arm Lift Aesthetics Considerations
There are several important points to consider before and after arm lift aesthetics surgery. These points contribute to the positive outcome of the operation. Therefore, it is important to listen to your doctor’s advice before and after arm lift aesthetics.
Before & After Arm Lift Surgery Considerations
Before arm lift surgery, strictly avoid smoking and alcohol. Additionally, under the supervision of your doctor, temporarily suspend the use of blood-thinning medications. This ensures proper blood flow during the surgery.
After arm lift surgery, avoid activities that strain or tire your arm. Exerting pressure on the surgical incisions can cause damage or rupture the stitches. Additionally, do not neglect using an arm support brace that allows your arm to rest. This device aids in arm rest and promotes faster healing of the procedure.
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Cost of Arm Lift in Turkey
Arm Lift Surgery cost in Turkey is quite affordable. The main reason for this is the significant support provided by the Ministry of Health for aesthetic surgeries. As a result of this support, arm lift aesthetic operations come at more reasonable prices. Additionally, Turkey’s advantageous exchange rates compared to other countries positively affect the arm lift prices in Turkey. Furthermore, another key reason for the lower cost of arm lift in Turkey is the competition that exists in the field of arm lift aesthetics.
When we look at the prices of arm lift surgery in Istanbul, we can see that they are more affordable compared to other city centers. Istanbul, which is advantageous in terms of arm lift aesthetics, offers easy accessibility in terms of transportation. In addition, successful and expert doctors work in aesthetic clinics in Istanbul for arm lift operations. For these reasons, you can choose Istanbul for arm lift aesthetics.
Arm Lift Prices in Turkey
Arm Lift Cost Turkey | $2400- $2800 |
Arm Lift Cost Uk | £6.500- £7.590 |
Arm Lift Cost Europe | €7,900 – €8,400 |
Arm Lift Cost USA | $9.250- $10.000 |
Best Arm Lift Aesthetic Surgeon in Turkey
Many tourists flock to Turkey for aesthetic surgeries, and many of them specifically choose Turkey for arm lift surgery. For this reason, arm lift is a highly valued procedure in Turkey and is performed by successful surgeons. To choose the best surgeon among these professionals, attention should be paid to certain key points. For example, research whether the surgeons performing arm lift aesthetics have conducted significant work in this field both domestically and internationally. Additionally, it is important to consider whether they have participated in seminars and associations abroad related to Brachioplasty. Global seminars and associations provide up-to-date techniques and knowledge in arm lift procedures. Surgeons who possess such information can help you achieve more successful results in your arm lift procedure.
By conducting an initial consultation with Süleyman Tas, one of Turkey’s best arm lift aesthetic surgeons, you can obtain flawless results in your Brachioplasty procedure.
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FAQ About Arm Lift in Istanbul
What is Brachioplasty?
The formation of scars after arm lift aesthetics depends on the regular care and attention paid by the patient. It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions and take proper care of the operated area to prevent scar formation.