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Breast feeding and nose surgery

Breast Feeding and Nose Surgery

There are thousands of people who desire to have nose surgery. Female patients are curious about breastfeeding after nose surgery. The common questions are “Is Nose Surgery Possible During Breast Feeding?”, “How Long Do I have to Wait to Breast Feed After Nose Surgery?” and “How Long Does Anesthesia Stay in Breast Milk?”.

As it is known, babies get only breast milk as nutrients in the first 6 months of their lives. Nose surgery should be preferred only after the end of the breastfeeding period. This rule also applies to any kind of surgery that requires anesthesia. In other words, mothers and candidates can start considering rhinoplasty when their babies start eating supplementary food.

Anesthesia Changes the Structure of Breast Milk

We stated that nose surgery can be planned after the baby starts supplementary food after the first 6 months. On the other hand, medications taken during anesthesia and other similar conditions during surgery cause changes in the structure of breast milk. In this process, babies should never get breastfeeding. Even though they coincide with the period when they started supplementary food, breast milk should still not be cut.  Therefore, enough breast milk can be accumulated until the effects of anesthesia are over and it can be given to the baby through a baby bottle.

The Decision Should Be Taken with the Plastic Surgeon

Additionally, if you want to have a nose job after your pregnancy, you should definitely inform the Doctor who will perform your surgery. Thus, your rhinoplasty plastic surgeon will guide you in this direction and make his recommendations. By following these recommendations, you can proceed with the process in a very healthy way for both your baby and yourself.

Recommendations to Patients Seeking Nose Surgery During Breast Feeding

In the last part of our article, we will share some general recommendations to mothers who are planning to have nose surgery during breastfeeding:

  • As we mentioned earlier, the baby should not be breastfed during anesthesia. Although there are minor changes depending on the person and surgery, the anesthetic effect passes on average within 8 hours. Your doctor will inform you about this.
  • There is no big deal that will require you to worry about the health of both your baby and yourself during the recovery process of the nose surgery.
  • As with everyone, you should protect your nose from any kind of trauma (injuries) after the nose surgery. For this, you should avoid sudden movements on your nose that your baby can do while on your lap.
  • You must proceed within the specific rules stated by the doctor before nose surgery. For example, you should be very careful about nutrition, especially as a mother.
  • Breastfeeding women who have nose surgery should definitely seek support from their relatives. At the top of the list where they can ask for help is baby aftercare which can be heavy-duty, especially right after surgery. As a matter of fact, people who have nose surgery should have a quality rest after the operation and move less during the day.
Breast Implant Before and After Pictures
Breast Reduction Before and After Pictures
Breast Uplift Before and After Pictures
Nose Surgery Before and After Pictures

We have come to the end of the article about breastfeeding and nose surgery. If you are a mother who is breastfeeding or will be new to breastfeeding and want to have nose surgery, you can contact us to learn the details about rhinoplasty.

How to overcome a fear of nose surgery?

How to Overcome a Fear of Nose Surgery?

We have prepared a blog post to enlighten patients who want to have a rhinoplasty but have fears of having the surgery. You don’t need to fear of nose surgery if you have clear understanding about the process of physical consultation/surgical planning and operating room. Also if you are aware of anesthesia process and utilized techniques during the surgery. Last but not least and the most importantly, if you have a trust based relation with your doctor. We will review those 4 subjects in detail.

1. The process of Physical Consultation and Surgical Planning

Before rhinoplasty a detailed examination of the patient and planning processes are carried out. In the first stage of the detailed examination, nasal airway control is provided with the help of endoscopic devices in order to determine the patient’s functional issues. As a second step, a physical examination is performed by the Doctor and deformities are marked. The consultation goes on by listening to the patient’s aesthetic expectations. If the patient is medically suitable for nose surgery, it is proceeded with the next step. Not all patients may be eligible for surgery. The person should be physically and psychologically ready for the procedure. Detailed and fine calculations are made thanks to the photos taken in the photo studio. The planning process is ended by taking the necessary notes after making the face proportion calculations and individual planning by the doctor for the patient. Before the operation, the patient’s blood tests are performed thus; the final controls related to the operation are performed. As seen above, there are many detailed and systematic control mechanisms to prevent Nose Surgery Fear.

How to overcome a fear of nose surgery? How to overcome a fear of nose surgery?

2. The Process of Operating Room

As the fear of nose surgery is a situation that can be experienced in the operating room environment, we would like to detail this step as well. Contrary to what is known, the low temperature in the operating room is for the creation of conditions that are more sterile and the risk of infection is minimized. The patient is warmed up under sterile conditions to avoid damage from the low temperature of the environment. Operating room nurses make preparations for the procedure to be performed and the necessary sterile conditions are maintained in the operating room before the Surgery. If necessary, low dose sedatives are also used to control the patient’s Fear of Nose Surgery. Patient’s operation site cleaning is provided with antiseptic solution before beginning Nose Surgery.

3. Anesthesia Process and Utilized Techniques During the Surgery

In nose surgeries performed under general anesthesia, all risks that may arise due to anesthesia are checked with tests before surgery. The anesthesiologist and anesthesia technician accompany the process along with the doctor and follow the vital functions of the patient during the procedure.

It is aimed to make the necessary interventions without creating trauma by the Closed Atraumatic Technique in rhinoplasty. Nose tip flexibility ability and function will not be compromised since tissue ligament functions at the tip of the nose will be protected. Although the operation time depends on the intervention and procedure to be performed, the Nose surgery, which will take an average of 2 hours, ends with the patient’s waking up by the doctor and anesthesia team.

Thanks to general anesthesia that allows you to be in sleep mode only during the operation, you won’t feel any pain during nose surgery. The anesthesia dose that the patient will take during the procedure will be determined by the individual parameters like person’s height, weight, used medications, etc.

How to overcome a fear of nose surgery?

4. Don’t be afraid. Trust Your Doctor

Exactly at this point, all the focus should be towards meeting the expectations and desires of the patient within the millimeter calculations. In summary; In line with all this process, all fine details are considered in order for the patient to undergo the surgical process in the best way. Detailed information is given about the things that the patient should do and should not do. Therefore, you do not need to be afraid of rhinoplasty in any way. One of the situations that creates fear in nose surgery is the fear of tampons. This fear can be overcome thanks to the newest silicon tampons used in nose surgeries to stabilize the septum. The removal of the tampons is a totally painless procedure as they don’t stick inside the nose.

How ro overcome fear of nose surgery
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS works with the high quality hospitals which provide best-in-class service in Turkey. He carries out his operations by his own Techniques using patented tools developed by himself. In Nose surgeries performed by Dr. TAS the fine workmanship and meticulous work are at the highest level. At this point overcoming Nose Surgery Fears and trusting your doctor will make the process easier for the patient.

Smoking and rhinoplasty

Smoking and Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty aims to improve the aesthetical and functional quality of the nose. However, smoking may cause serious problems before and after rhinoplasty. When a patient reaches a plastic surgeon to have a rhinoplasty, he is very likely to learn that smoking should be stopped before the surgery and not smoked after the surgery which is an ethical and must-have approach. In this article, Why No Smoking Before and After Rhinoplasty? and What Smoking May Cause? will be explained in detail.

Why No Smoking Before and After Rhinoplasty?

If you are a smoker and considering a rhinoplasty first thing you need to do is to quit smoking. Apart from the harm caused to the body, smoking damages the fine workmanship performed during rhinoplasty and delays the recovery time. Every plastic surgeon has their own pre-operative and post-operative protocols to be followed by the patients. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS gives great importance to health and invests a lot into the nose to achieve the best possible results. Potential candidates should quit smoking at least 6 months before the surgery. It is required for the total detoxification of the body from more than 2000 harmful components included in cigarettes or any tobacco including products. Smoking should not be resumed after the surgery as it may cause long-term complications to the structure and functionality of the nose. This rule works for all surgeries which require an incision.

What Smoking May Cause? 

There are many risks related to smoking before and after the surgery, we may itemize them as follows:

1. Delays the healing

Smoking slows wound healing. Normally final results after rhinoplasty can be achieved at least after 1 year depending on the body’s healing ability and thickness of the skin, for smokers, this period will be longer.

2. Increases Risks of Anesthesia

Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia which involves serious risks, for smokers it will be increased.

3. Blocks the Airway

Rhinoplasty treats the airway, however active or passive way of smoking congests the airways this way causing breathing problems. As the harmful components stick inside your operated nose this way blocking the airway.

4. Necrosis, Scarring, and/or Skin Loss

Rhinoplasty considers numerous interventions such as osteotomies, incisions, sutures, usage of grafts inside the nose, and so on. When there is not enough oxygen supply with the necessary nutrients for the wound healing process there might occur scar tissues or may even lead to skin death (necrosis).

5. Infection of Your Wound

The patient’s immune system is lowered after the surgery, if you smoke it increases the risk of infection at the operation site.

6. Narrowing Blood Vessels and Reduced Oxygen and Blood Flow to the Area

Smoking narrows your blood vessels. The narrowed vessels have a hard time getting oxygen, nutrients, and healing factors to the wound. This can slow the wound healing process. When you smoke, carbon monoxide enters your blood cells and lowers the level of oxygen in your blood. Since oxygen is essential to your healing, smoking slows the recovery process as less oxygen is delivered to your wound.

7. Asymmetries in the Nose or Poor Results

Once you have your nose job done you should be following the recommendations of your doctor so that you will be able to achieve the expected results which may not be as desired if you are smoking.

8. Excessive Bleeding

During operation problems of excessive bleeding may occur also if you were consuming alcohol at least 5 days prior to the surgery.

No smoking before and after rhinoplasty
Dr. Suleyman TAS said: “Smoking stops healing, obstructs the swelling go away, and creates poor quality healing. Therefore, for a smooth healing process, patients must quit smoking at least 6 months before the operation and not smoke at all after the operation”.

If you have any questions regarding smoking or about rhinoplasty in general you may contact us at +90 543 456 36 93 or click on the attached link.

Simulation in rhinoplasty

Simulation In Rhinoplasty

Simulation (Virtual Simulator) is used in many fields nowadays including rhinoplasty. In this article we will be answering the questions like; What does Simulation in Rhinoplasty mean? and How is Simulation in Rhinoplasty performed?

What is Simulation in Rhinoplasty?

The word simulation derives from Latin origin, means “imitation, similar”. When you order a meal in the restaurant, menu is given to set your expectations about the meal to be served. Analogically, simulation is a helpful tool to understand your expectation, to give an idea how your nose may look like after your nose surgery, and will help you get ready mentally before real changes on your nose.

How is Simulation in Rhinoplasty performed?

Thanks to today’s technology, those who want to have a rhinoplasty can see in advance what kind of nose they can have. There are many simulation programs designed to see the nose that suits the face in advance. Using these programs, it is possible to show the result that can be obtained with the photos taken in the professional studio. The reason for doing simulation work before rhinoplasty is to understand how much people can change after surgery and whether they feel ready for this change. The simulation study can only give information about how people can look before surgery. It can be shown how the person with a humpy nose can look when the hump goes away. So that, they can see if it is the way they imagine. Your doctor will make a simulation job after taking into consideration your concerns and making your facial analysis. Taking a picture of the simulation and looking at it until you decide to have surgery will prepare you for change.

Important Notes about Simulation (Virtual Simulator)

– Since rhinoplasty is a complex surgery need to choose your doctor based upon his surgical skills rather than the computer skills. As it is more difficult to accomplish the changes on the nose in real life than on the computer. At this point looking at previous patients’ before and after pictures will give you an idea of the doctor’s expertise.

– The simulation job is not exactly the same as the result to be obtained after the operation. It is only for you to prepare yourself more comfortably for this process. No physician or any institution can guarantee that the final outcome will be the same as the simulation job prepared before surgery.

Simulation in rhinoplasty
1) Pre-operation (Before)
2) Pre-operation Simulation in Rhinoplasty (Simulation)
3) 1 year after operation (After)

Here, you may see pictures from pre-operation, pre-op simulation work and 1 year after the nose operation. Simulation aims to show the possible result to give information to the plastic surgeon and patient. Dr. TAS performs each operation aiming to do the best, better than the simulation work. None of simulation work can copy the operated nose. For this patient, Dr. TAS removed the mole which is located on the tip of nose and there is fat injection in the lip.

In TAS Aesthetic Surgery Clinic the simulation is performed during the physical examination using professional photos for a more realistic view in line with the patient’s expectations. You can reach us through our contact number +90 543 456 36 93 for your questions about simulation and questions about rhinoplasty in general.

Process for the best nose job in turkey

Process for the Best Nose Job in Turkey

Explained by Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeon Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS

A nose Job is the most frequently performed aesthetic surgery in Turkey. In fact, the reason is the brain’s way of face perception. The latest scientific studies revealed the way the brain perceives the face and which points draw the attention the most. According to these studies, when we look at a human face with the eye tracking technique, our eyes scan the whole face in such a short time as 1 second, but 90% of this time is spent on the eyebrows, eyes, nose, and lips respectively, the remaining 10% is spent on the remaining part of the face. Among these mentioned 4 parts of the face (eyebrows, eyes, nose, and lips), the nose is the least ideal part and requires surgery for correction, for this reason, rhinoplasty is the most commonly performed plastic surgery. Let’s review the process for the best nose job in Turkey.

What is your expectation in Nose Job?

Is a nose suitable for your facial features? Or is it the shape of the nose you like? Which one is more important for you? Do not forget that you will be happier with a nose structure that will be chosen by a qualified rhinoplasty surgeon based on your facial analysis. If the shape of the nose you like is not suitable for your facial features, you will regret it each time when you look in the mirror.

Achieving satisfaction by determining the expectations and desires of the patient is one of the factors affecting the success rate in nose jobs. In Nose Jobs, precise surgical planning should be done first. A successful nose surgery course should be set for you by identifying important points such as your face structure, nasal skin thickness, the structure of the cartilages, and breathing problems.

How is the nose shape planned before the Nose Job?

Here are the steps followed in determining the shape of the nose. First, we take pictures using professional cameras with a photo studio lighting kit and roller blinds set up in our examination rooms which have the same level as the professional photo studios. After that, we check the ratios and proportion of the nose with the face from different angles and determine the changes that are needed to catch the facial proportions called the golden ratio, finally demonstrate this through computer simulations. A detailed examination is very important for the process of the best nose job in Turkey.

Why the golden ratio?

For this, I have to explain a little bit about what the golden ratio means. The golden ratio is a mathematical concept meaning that we should divide a line into 2 parts so that the ratio of the large part to the small part is equal to the ratio of the whole part to the large part, which corresponds to approximately 1.6. This ratio has been used in art and paintings throughout history, when has been researched on the human face, it has been observed that the people who have this ratio have been found attractive and beautiful by society throughout history. Despite the fact that Cleopatra of ancient Egypt and Angelina Jolie nowadays live in different centuries, they have a golden ratio and are admired by society as the common ground is the golden ratio. This reveals that no matter how much time passes, the aesthetic perception and attractiveness do not change and do not show much difference between societies.

Process for the best nose job in turkey     Process for the best nose job in turkey

What are the latest developments in nose aesthetics?

We are in pursuit of “how do we manage to operate without any injury and damage to the tissues, without harming the coordination of tissues with each other, in other words, how to operate to get things done as if they did not have a surgery?” Thanks to this philosophy, now we carry out interventions only on the problematic areas of the nose with the atraumatic technique (without creating trauma, without damage), thus moving away from the classical surgery logic to reveal everything and then correct it. As plastic surgeons, we transfer our experience in microsurgery to aesthetic surgeries, as we handle all tissues at the micron level we reflect it on the nose surgeries as well. Therefore, I personally prefer to perform my surgeries by combining closed technique and atraumatic technique.

What is the Operation Process like?

We carry out our operations in the most comfortable and luxurious operating rooms using the latest technology under general anesthesia. The operation takes about 2 hours. On the day of the operation, we hospitalize our patients in our hospital. We want them to rest at home for 6 days by discharging the next day of the operation. 6 days later, they come to remove the thermoplastic splint (cast) that we placed on the nose. After cast removal, our patient can return to work and continue her/his daily life.

Process for the best nose job in turkey

What should i eat after the rhinoplasty?

What should I eat after the rhinoplasty?

One of the frequently asked questions by those who want to have a rhinoplasty is “What should I eat after the rhinoplasty?” As well as “what kind of nutrition should I have after rhinoplasty for a faster and proper recovery process?” We will be answering these questions in our blog post today.

The Importance of Nutrition After Rhinoplasty

At different stages of life, the benefits and importance of different nutrition styles come into prominence. In this regard, it is important to set the diet correctly after rhinoplasty. Since the body undergoes a physical change and an incision occurs in the nose, it is necessary to change the feeding habits of the person in his daily life for a while. Since nutrition is also among the factors that have an impact on the healing period of the incision in the nose and the recovery process of the nasal structure.

Nutrition Recommendations After Rhinoplasty

Before moving on to recommendations regarding nutrition after rhinoplasty, it is a good idea to make a note. Although the points to be considered in nutrition after rhinoplasty, which we mentioned below, are of universal content, there may be certain changes depending on the individual. All details about duration and nutrition will be planned and shared with you by your doctor. After this short note, we can start to list the things to be considered about nutrition after rhinoplasty.

What should i eat after the rhinoplasty?

  • You can give priority to consuming soft foods in nutrition after nose surgery. For Example, foods such as soup, yogurt, and oatmeal.
  • When feeding after nose surgery, you should try to avoid foods that are extremely hot or cold. In particular, you should avoid the steam of excessively hot food.
  • When feeding after nose surgery, you should avoid excessive chewing for a certain period of time. Since the bones and tissues in the nose are still in the recovery phase, you can avoid foods such as dried nuts and steaks for a while. It is also worth noting that you should not chew gum.
  • Whatever you eat after your nose surgery, avoid being overly salty. In order not to negatively affect the healing process of edema and swelling, you should not add additional salt to the foods, you should prefer unsalted foods for some time, such as cheese, which is already salty.
  • You should definitely avoid alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes for a certain period of time after rhinoplasty surgery, as this will have a negative impact on the recovery process of the nose.

What should i eat after the rhinoplasty?

  • After rhinoplasty, you should avoid flatulent foods for a certain period of time and not consume soda. Since sodium in mineral water affects the edema level negatively.
  • Since they have a positive effect on the wound healing process, you should include foods containing protein and vitamin C in your food habits after nose surgery.

What should i eat after the rhinoplasty?

  • You should avoid foods that you are individually allergic to. Since body reactions such as sneezing and coughing can have a negative effect on the recovery process of the nose.
  • It is beneficial not to eat spicy foods for a certain period while feeding after rhinoplasty. Indeed, spicy foods generally widen the blood vessels, which prolongs the recovery time of edema and swelling. In addition, spices have a sneezing effect due to their powder structure.
  • Burun estetiği sonrası beslenme kurallarında su tüketimi önemli bir yere sahiptir. Günde ortalama 2,5 litre su tüketilmesi tavsiye edilir.

Causes and consequences of failed rhinoplasty

Causes and Consequences of Failed Rhinoplasty

The appearance of the nose greatly affects facial beauty. Therefore, when looking in the mirror, there are thousands of people who are not happy with their noses and want to change this situation with a Rhinoplasty. However, there is a risk of a failed nose surgery due to wrong choices. Throughout the article, we will answer the questions such as ” What are the causes of failed rhinoplasty?”, How to recognize failed rhinoplasty?”, “What are the consequences of failed Rhinoplasty?” and “What is the solution for failed Rhinoplasty?”

What are the causes of failed rhinoplasty?

We can list the main reasons for the failure of rhinoplasty as follows:

1. Wrong Rhinoplasty Surgeon Selection

One of the main reasons for unsuccessful rhinoplasty is choosing the wrong rhinoplasty surgeon. As a result of choosing the wrong doctor, the result will not be at the desired level. Therefore, you should be careful in choosing a plastic surgeon and pay attention to people who are sufficiently specialized in their field. Here you can find the criteria for the best rhinoplasty surgeon;

Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon

2. Not Following the Doctor’s Recommendations

Your doctor will offer you a set of rules that you must follow, both before and after surgery. Strictly following these rules will affect the successful outcome of the nose operation. Therefore, not following the doctor’s instructions properly will increase the likelihood that the result will be negative.

3. Getting a Blow to the nose After Nose Surgery

You should take care of yourself for a certain period of time after nose surgery. You should take extra care not to get any blows to your face. As a matter of fact, the blow taken to the nose, especially in the first months can damage the nose when the nose structure is in the reconstruction phase.

4. Having Excessively Thick Nose Structure

Having a very thick-skinned nose structure is one of the factors that make nose aesthetics difficult. The out picture of surgical interventions is more difficult in people with thick skin noses. Therefore, people with thick-skinned noses should be extra careful about choosing a plastic surgeon. You may find thick-skinned rhinoplasty details here;

Preparation for Thick Skin Rhinoplasty
Thick Skin Bulbous Tip Rhinoplasty

5. Having a Rhinoplasty Incompatible with the Facial features

One of the important criteria for a successful rhinoplasty is a nose being compatible with the facial features of the patient. As a matter of fact, every face is unique and every nose surgery should be performed according to the patient’s facial structure. Having the same nose as the celebrities you admire will not give you a successful result. Catching the golden ratio is important at this point. Here you can find 5 Important Factors For The Best Rhinoplasty Result.

5 Important Factors For The Best Rhinoplasty Result

How to recognize Failed Rhinoplasty?

We can list the main symptoms of failed rhinoplasty as follows:

  • Continuation of functional disorders in the nose, if any, and problems related to breathing accordingly
  • Curved or crooked nose structure
  • The nostrils are excessively narrow or wide after surgery
  • Droopiness on the tip of the nose
  • It takes at least 1 year for the nose structure to settle after surgery. At the end of this period, if the functional or aesthetic nose structure is not as it is imagined and causes unhappiness

Here you may find out the criteria for the best rhinoplasty;

Are You Having the Best Rhinoplasty?

Consequences of Failed Rhinoplasty

As a result of failed Rhinoplasty in addition to not improved aesthetic appearance different levels of unhappiness and depressed mood can also arise. If the change in the nose structure is not at the desired level, the person will have difficulty getting used to the new nose structure and will also enter into a bad mood. In some unsuccessful nose surgeries performed only with aesthetic concern, the functionality of the nose may also be compromised. As a result, situations such as snoring and not being able to breathe easily through the nose may occur. One of the important problems faced by those who had failed nose surgery is the financial issue. As a matter of fact, every failed nose surgery reveals the necessity of revision nose surgery which means extra cost. In addition, revision rhinoplasty is much more difficult than primary rhinoplasty in terms of surgery and recovery process. Therefore, those who want to have a rhinoplasty should know the consequences of failed nose surgery and take action in this direction.

The solution to a Failed Rhinoplasty

Do not worry anymore because of failed Rhinoplasty! It is possible to get out of the negative situation you are in with the right steps to take. As we have already mentioned, revision rhinoplasty is much more difficult than primary rhinoplasty in terms of surgery and recovery process. Therefore, those who experience unsuccessful rhinoplasty should continue the process with a doctor who has proven himself in revision rhinoplasty. With the right choice, it is possible to have the desired nose structure. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Suleyman TAS performed thousands of revision cases over 12 years.

Causes and consequences of failed rhinoplasty Causes and consequences of failed rhinoplasty Causes and consequences of failed rhinoplasty Causes and consequences of failed rhinoplasty


Revision Rhinoplasty Before and After

Finally, if you have any questions regarding failed Rhinoplasty you may contact us via Whatsapp For detailed information about rhinoplasty please visit our Rhinoplasty Page.

Nasal polyp: symptoms and treatment

Nasal Polyp: Symptoms and Treatment

What is Nasal Polyp?

Nasal polyps are non-malignant pieces formed as the pale pink colored small spots in the nasal and sinus cavities. Nasal Polyps are different formations rather than anatomically located conchae. Nasal polyps are seen in 1-4% of adults and 0.01% of children. The likelihood of nasal polyps increases after the age of 20. After telling What is Nasal Polyp?, We are going to tell symptoms and treatment of Nasal Polyp.

Nasal polyps

The appearance of nasal polyps resembles a mass filled with fluid. Obstruction in the nose triggers these formations. Since the causes such as allergy and aspirin sensitivity trigger intranasal obstruction, people who faced with these conditions are much more likely to have nasal polyps. 30% of Nasal polyp is seen in people who have allergies.

How are nasal polyps formed?

There are many factors that play a role in the formation of nasal polyps. These factors are;

  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Chronic sinusitis.
  • Upper respiratory tract infection.
  • Fungal sinusitis.

These factors cause edema in the nasal mucosa and fluid accumulates in it.

What are the symptoms of nasal polyp?

Nasal polyps are formations that do not show symptoms unless they block the sinus openings or are of large size. When it reaches large sizes and obstructs the sinus openings, it can lead to the formations such as infections and cysts. Symptoms of nasal polyp are:

  • Runny nose (It can be transparent or colored).
  • Reduction in the sense of smell and taste or disappearing over time.
  • Headache.
  • Pressure in the sinuses.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Snoring.
  • Sore throat.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Postnasal drip.
  • Feeling that something is moving inside the nose.
  • Enlargement in the bridge of the nose and accordingly eye structure changes as separated from each other.

Nasal polyp manifests itself with a runny nose, which usually does not pass with medications. In addition, if the polyp is located closer to the outer side, you may be able to see the polyp through the nostril.

How is Nasal Polyp Diagnosed?

You may have symptoms of nasal polyp. But your doctor should decide if the condition you’re facing is a nasal polyp. Your doctor can make this diagnosis by examining the nasal passages. During this examination a nasal endoscopy is performed with a device which has a camera attached to the tip.

In some cases, computed tomography (CT) is used to look at the nasal passages.

How is nasal polyp treatment done?

After the diagnosis of nasal polyp, it is time to have its treatment. Symptoms, allergy or infection status, findings and visualization in the nasal passages of the patient are the factors that determine the treatment process. There are two types of treatment for nasal polyp.

Medical Treatment:

Nasal polyps can usually be treated with the method of treatment called intranasal and systemic corticosteroid. In this way, problems such as runny nose and congestion can be solved. In cases such as allergies or flu, leukotriene antagonists and antihistamines are used as the additional medicines. Antibiotics are used in acute episodes of sinusitis additionally to the non-steroid anti-inflammatories and decongestants.

Surgical Treatment:

When the sinus openings are blocked, drainage disorder occurs in the sinuses. This deformation can cause infection and inflammation. In such a situation, surgical treatment can be applied. Also, some nasal polyps may not respond to medical treatment. In this case, again surgical treatment is applied.

Endoscopic method is used while performing surgical treatment. The procedure is performed according to whether there is a condition accompanying the nasal polyp. Only polypectomy, in which nasal polyps are removed, or extended sinus intervention, which can be performed depending on the situation, will be the solution to the problem.

Nasal polyp



Nasal polyp are nasal meats that are formed later. Congenital ones are not called as nasal polyp. Nasal polyp is a condition caused by subsequent factors.


Nasal polyp is a condition that can recur. Recurrence of nasal polyp is high, especially in individuals with allergies.


Although nasal polyp is usually seen after the age of 20 in adults, there is a possibility that it can be seen in children as well.


The nasal polyp can present visible symptoms. However, a doctor must be visited for an accurate diagnosis. The nasal polyp can be seen from the outside in some cases.


The clustering shape, in which many small polyps are together, is not very common. Small polyps are generally formations that do not disturb patients. Polyps that cause symptoms are large polyps. That is why polyps usually appear as a wide range of large polyps.


This period varies depending on the patient. In some cases, corrections such as septum deviation may be needed. This extends the duration of the surgery.


You will be discharged within 2-3 hours after the nasal polyp surgery. It is recommended to rest for a minimum of 3 days and you can return to your daily life within 5 days.


This is one of the periods that vary according to the patient. This period may vary between 15-20 days depending on the condition of the patient.

We have come to the end of our blog post about nasal polyp prepared by TAS Aesthetic Surgery Center. In this article we gave the answer to some of the major questions like, “What is nasal polyp?”, “How is nasal polyp formed?”, “What are the symptoms of nasal polyp? and “How to treat nasal polyp?”. If you want to get more information on the subject, you can contact us on +90 543 456 36 93. You can click on the link to get more information about rhinoplasty.

Rhinoplasty risks and safety

Rhinoplasty Risks and Safety

Anyone who wants to have a rhinoplasty makes a detailed search on both the operation process and the plastic surgeon who performs nose surgeries. It is also important to be aware of rhinoplasty risks and safety. Rhinoplasty risks and safety is among the most frequently asked topics about rhinoplasty. In this article, we will talk about this subject.

Rhinoplasty Risks and Safety?

As with any surgery, there are some risks in rhinoplasty. Such as;

  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Bleeding and Infection
  • Scarring
  • Allergic reactions
  • A need for additional surgery
  • Not meeting unrealistic expectations
  • Lack of improvement

Nose surgery risk rate varies according to the person, type of surgery, and many other factors. Preoperative examinations are a good tool to understand those risks and try to eliminate them if it is possible. Some of the factors taken into consideration can be itemized as follows.

1. Risks related to the Scope and Type of Rhinoplasty

Nose surgery is divided into different types. For example, thick-skinned rhinoplasty and thin-skinned rhinoplasty are different from each other in the way of performance. Depending on the scope and type of nose surgery, there are precautions to be taken by both the plastic surgeon and the patient. The right precautions and treatments may help eliminate risky situations. There are two different types of rhinoplasty, mainly closed and open technique rhinoplasty. Which technique to use is decisive in issues such as scar risk after nose surgery. As there is no incision on the tip of the nose, there is no risk of scarring in the nose surgeries performed with a closed technique.

Closed Atraumatic Rhinoplasty

2. Risks related to the Age

The risks of nose surgery for an individual under the age of 18 and an individual over the age of 18 differ from each other. Nose surgery for individuals under this age limit brings mental and physical risks together. For those in this age group, nose surgery is only suitable as a result of fractures and trauma. With nose surgery performed in the right age range, the risks of age-induced nose surgery may be eliminated.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Rhinoplasty?

3. Pre-operative Examinations and Tests Aim to Safety

Many examinations are performed by plastic surgeons to reduce the risk of nose surgery before each nose surgery. As a result of the examination and according to the patient’s expectations, the most suitable nose surgery plan can be prepared. Each plan related to nose surgery varies depending on the examination results, expectations, and deformities of the patient. In this respect, the examinations performed before the nose surgery are aimed at removing the risks of rhinoplasty surgery.

4. Patient’s Effort Makes a Difference

In order to reduce the risk of rhinoplasty, there are some responsibilities of the patient as well. Before the nose surgery, a detailed examination is carried out as we mentioned earlier. As a result of the examination, the patient is informed about the issues to be careful both before and after surgery. For example, smoking should be stopped at least 6 months before nose surgery. If it is not terminated, anesthesia risks will be increased and recovery time will be longer. Paying attention to all the details specified by your plastic surgeon will help eliminate the risks of nose surgery.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from a Rhinoplasty?

As a result, there are certain risks of rhinoplasty. Since rhinoplasty is elective surgery, it should be evaluated carefully. Risks are tried to be eliminated with the efforts of both the plastic surgeon and the patient. If a patient is having risks, not going forward with surgery is doing the right thing. Also, it shows the plastic surgeon cares about the patient and does the right and ethical things.

Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon
Which Diseases Are Inconvenient For Rhinoplasty?

Up to this part of our article, we talked about which conditions may cause a risk for rhinoplasty for individuals without major genetic and permanent diseases, and how these risks can be easily eliminated. Now, we will talk about whether rhinoplasty is a risk for people who have permanent and persistent diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and epilepsy. Here are the answers in the form of questions and answers.


Cardiac diseases do not prevent rhinoplasty. In other words, cardiac patients can receive anesthesia. However, individuals with cardiovascular diseases are managed with different anesthetics. Preoperative and postoperative precautions vary for these patients. Your plastic surgeon will perform the necessary examinations and information for this.


There is no rule that diabetes patients cannot have a rhinoplasty. However, they are more disadvantaged in some ways than people without diabetes. As a matter of fact, wound healing will be longer in people with diabetes. Additionally, they are more prone to infections. For such disadvantages, the plastic surgeon informs the patient and takes the necessary precautions. We recommend diabetic patients to have a nose surgery with a closed technique.


It is not clear when and where epilepsy patients will have attacks. It is not a barrier in terms of surgery or anesthesia. However, an attack may occur due to stress or excitement during the operation and the life risk of the patient may occur. In such cases, we do not recommend any surgery unless it is essential.


Asthma disease is when the airways are hypersensitive to environmental factors. There is swelling in the airways and membrane called the mucous membrane covering the airways. This swelling occasionally blocks the air flow and causes respiratory distress. These periods are called asthma attacks. Since general anesthesia is used in Rhinoplasty, it may also cause an asthma attack due to excitement and stress or for any reason. In this case, a life-threatening risk occurs. These risks are nonignorable risks and we do not recommend elective surgical procedures for asthma patients.

We have come to the end of our blog post about the rhinoplasty risks and safety. Throughout the article, we tried to list in which situations risk factors may occur in rhinoplasty and what should be considered to eliminate these risks. If you want to get information on the subject, we would like to remind you that you can contact us on +90 543 456 36 93.

Male rhinoplasty vs. Female rhinoplasty

Male Rhinoplasty vs. Female Rhinoplasty

Nowadays, rhinoplasty is among the most performed aesthetic operations. When it comes to nose surgery or aesthetic procedures, the first thing that comes to mind are the treatments associated with women. However, our developing social culture has increased the rate of nose surgeries for men as well as women. In this article, we will be talking about male rhinoplasty vs. female rhinoplasty.

Male Rhinoplasty

Although aesthetic operations have been identified with women, the rate of men having aesthetic operations has been increasing over the years. Factors such as social environment and business life increase men’s thoughts of rhinoplasty. 30-40% of the people who have rhinoplasty surgery are men. Although the nose is important in life for its’ functionality, it is an organ that adds meaning to the face and shapes expression. The purpose of the nose surgery is to give a natural shape that will be compatible with the face.

Male rhinoplasty vs. Female rhinoplasty Male rhinoplasty vs. Female rhinoplasty Male rhinoplasty before and after Male rhinoplasty vs. Female rhinoplasty

More Male Rhinoplasty Before & After Pictures
Aesthetic Approach for Male Rhinoplasty

Male patients decide for a rhinoplasty because of primarily functional problems, secondarily they want to gain an aesthetic appearance. Male rhinoplasty is much more different than female rhinoplasty and requires different aesthetic approach. A straight, not lifted, non-curved appearance is desired in men. Even a small amount of rotation or curvature will result in a more feminine expression. It is considered ideal for the tip of the nose to be 90 degrees in men. Generally the radix (starting point of the nose) is higher comparing to the female nose. Over-reduction of the overall size may cause feminization; therefore precise calculation needs to be made to preserve the masculinity and charismatic appearance.

Nose aesthetic operations for men require attention and care. The fact that your surgery is performed by a successful doctor with experience in the field directly affects the postoperative satisfaction rate. The skin structure and bone structure of men differ according to women. The recovery process for males also depends on the structure of the skin and body’s healing ability.

Aesthetic Approach for Female Rhinoplasty

Nose aesthetics for women are mostly done with the aim of feeling better with a natural appearance. Aesthetic approach for female rhinoplasty requires more minimal touches due to a smaller face than men. It is aimed to eliminate functional problems with an aesthetic appearance. In women, it is desired to gain a smaller and sophisticated nose appearance that is more curved compared to men, with the lifted tip of the nose, which is compatible with the proportions of the face. It is considered ideal for the nose tip to be 110 degrees in women. Here, the patient’s wishes and facial proportions should be calculated and decided accordingly. The healing process in women is 1-1.5 years, considering the skin structure.

Rinoplasti öncesi sonrası, female rhinoplasty Rinoplasti öncesi sonrası Rinoplasti öncesi sonrası Rinoplasti öncesi sonrası, female rhinoplasty before and after

Finally, if you look male rhinoplasty vs. female rhinoplasty, you will see difference in many respects. The most important factor for both operations is the person’s choice of doctor and his / her communication with the doctor. In choosing a doctor it will be better for you to examine his surgeries and to decide based on his attitude and honesty towards you during the examination.

For more information about male and female rhinoplasty you can reach us through our contact number +905434563693. To find out if you are having the best rhinoplasty.

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